“Tell those animals that they’ll get their money,” My dad snarls. “And then I’ll deal with you.”

The phone goes silent and then beeps to show that the call has ended. My eyes are welling with tears.

“Well,” I stammer, blinking to keep the tears from spilling over. “There’s your answer.”

None of the men reply. The silence is awkward.

Warden finally clears his throat.

“We’ll give him forty-eight hours,” He looks at Gunner, Rex, and Zeke in turn before reaching down to pat my hand.

“They’ll keep you safe, Goldie,” Warden says softly. He pushes his chair back and rises from his seat at the table.

The men grunt their goodbyes and perform their ritual handshake and high five mixture, but I haven’t moved from my place at the table. It’s all that I can do to hold it in, to keep it together.

I just wanted one night out, like any other normal twenty-two-year-old. How could I have been so reckless? What is my father going to do with me? It seems that one rash decision has destroyed my entire life.

Warden finally leaves the room, his motorcycle boots clicking on the tiled floor. But when Rex walks over and touches my shoulder, I can’t hold it in any longer.

“Hey,” Rex says quietly.

I turn and look into his warm green eyes. It puts me over the edge and I promptly burst into tears.

Chapter 11


Goldie’s body is wracked with sobs, but I’m holding her firmly against me. Her face is buried in my chest.

“Sh,” I hiss, running my fingers through her hair from the crook of her neck down to her back. It feels softer than silk and looks like strands of gold between my fingers. It must soothe her because her breathing slows and she quiets down.

What the hell am I doing?I know nothing about women, in this aspect. Just in the bedroom.But for some reason, I find myself drawn to Goldie. I find myself wanting to comfort her, and actually succeeding, despite not feeling like I know how.

It’s simply not in my nature. I’m a Grim Rider and I have been for over twenty years now. I’m a murderer. I’m a criminal. I have certain skills and none of them include consoling the preacher’s daughter. But, somehow, that’s the task I’ve been presented with.

“That’s better,” I murmur to Goldie. “It’s all right.”

Gunner glances at me and rolls his eyes but when I look over at Zeke, he’s seeming with jealousy. His mouth is twisted into a pout.

I offer him a little smirk. Zeke wanted a taste of Goldie as soon as he laid eyes on her. It’s killing him that she’s holding onto me right now. I have to admit that I am beginning to see the appeal.

Goldie is positively stunning. Cascading blonde hair, blue eyes, and a thick body. Somehow, the preacher’s daughter is built for sin. She’s got the hourglass figure men drool over, but she’s not the typical model type. Her waist is trim but her hips and thighs have plenty of cushion, not to mention her full, round breasts thatare pressed against me now. I like my ladies with a little extra to hold on to.

I feel all the blood in my body rush between my legs and I stifle a groan. This really isn’t the time, but try to tell that to my dick.

Goldie’s quieting down, though still wrapped in my arms, and I have to do something to prevent my imminent hard-on. My mind replays her conversation with her father and I feel my blood pressure begin to rise.

I knew Reverend Bennett was a scumbag, but I can’t believe he could be so callous to his own daughter. He didn’t express one iota of concern, instead blaming Goldie for her own kidnapping.

I shake my head as I slowly rock Goldie back and forth. I know that I’m the bad guy in her eyes, holding Goldie hostage until the debt is paid, but I can’t help feel sympathetic. With one look into her big blue eyes, I could tell that she was as innocent as a lamb.

Goldie’s stopped crying now. I unwind one arm from around her to place one finger underneath her chin. I tilt her head up to look at me.

She’s so beautiful, even with the tears still wet on her cheeks. I didn’t think I had a heart, but now I know I do. Seeing Goldie cry is stirring feelings inside of me that I didn’t think I was capable of.

“It’s going to be okay,” I promise her, and Goldie nods back at me.

I’m going to make goddamned sure of it. A man doesn’t cross the Grim Riders without being taught a lesson.