“Lila, please bring this gorgeous woman a whiskey sour,” Zeke leans in towards me, his bright blue eyes twinkling. He doesn’t notice when Lila makes a face and trudges away.

“It’s the first drink I ever actually liked,” Zeke whispers before his face goes serious. “But don’t tell anyone that. It’s a secret.”

I let out a giggle and Zeke flashes me a grin.Is this beautiful man actually flirting with me?I can’t believe that this is happening and I can’t believe that I’m so comfortable with it.

It’s not like I have a choice,I tell myself. There’s just something about Rex and now, Zeke, that just puts me at ease. And there’s no denying the spark of sexual electricity that I feel between all three of them, even if I think Gunner is kind of a jerk.

Lila reappears and places a beer gently in front of Zeke, smiling and fluttering her eyelashes at him the entire time. She sits my cocktail glass down in front of me with a thud.

“Thanks, Lila,” Zeke says, collecting both drinks before turning away from her. I watch her face fall before Zeke motions to me with a grin.

“Let’s get a seat, babe,” He says and I ignore the death glares that I’m sure Lila is beaming towards the back of my head. I follow him to the booths lining the wall.

Zeke slips into an empty one, but right next to us, I notice the brunette woman that I first spotted earlier. She’s sitting on the lap of a biker with the table pushed over to the other side of the booth.

My face burns with a blush when I look closer and I avert my gaze as if the sight stings my eyeballs. She wasn’t justsitting.The woman wasgrindingon the biker’s lap, her skirt pulled up to her hips and her tube top rolled down, exposing both of her breasts.

Oh, my God.What have I walked into?This place is like Sodom and Gomorrah. I’m mortified, but I can’t resist glancing back to steal another look.

Her head is tilted back, her mouth gaping open. She seems so wild and free. I envy her, but I can’t imagine ever being so uninhibited.

Zeke catches my eye and gives me a nudge. I flush with embarrassment at the realization that he caught me spying.

“Interested?” He whispers, his hot breath tickling my ear. Goosebumps erupt down the side of my neck, but I scoff at him and shake my head.

Rex saunters over, beer bottle in hand, and slides into the seat across from us, blocking our view.

“Oh, sorry,” He smiles, lifting one eyebrow. “Were you watching the show?”

Zeke chuckles, but I feel my face turn scarlet. It just makes Zeke laugh harder.

“You’re even prettier when you blush,” Zeke says, leaning against me.

“She is,” Rex agrees, smiling softly at me.

I have no idea what to say. Are both guys flirting with me? I’m relieved when Gunner stalks over to the booth and slides into the empty seat next to Rex.

“Just one drink,” Gunner says sternly, lifting his own beer bottle to his lips.

Rex rolls his eyes and elbows Gunner playfully.

“You would think that this guy is the old man,” Rex quips, but Gunner just grunts and takes another swig.

Reluctantly, I bring the rim of the whiskey sour glass to my lips. It’s tart and sweet, with a little kick at the end. I’m still pursing my lips together when I notice Zeke’s gaze.

“Like it?” He asks. Zeke plays with his tongue stud, catching it between his teeth.

“It’s good,” I reply, smiling softly before taking another sip. Warmth spreads from my abdomen and the buzzing sensation in my brain returns. Walking into a room full of dangerous bikers sobered me up quite a bit, but I need something to take the edge off. What a turn this evening has taken.

All three of the men are staring at me, but it seems that no one is really sure what to say. It’s awkward, the preacher’s daughterand her biker kidnappers…but it’s not up to me to break the silence. I’m the victim here.

Gunner tips back his head to drain the last of his bottle.

“Let’s go,” He growls, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “It’s been a long fucking night.”

Rex smiles and shrugs as he slips out of the booth behind Gunner.

“Ready to call it?” Rex offers his hand to help me up from the booth. I try to slide out gracefully but wobble a bit upon standing.