I can’t help it. It’s been too long since anyone comforted me. When Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome kneels down at the side of my chair, I bury my face into the crook of his neck. He doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around me.

“Sh,” He whispers, holding me tight and rocking me gently. My breathing begins to slow and my sobs quiet.

“Well, I don’t think she knows jack shit,” Warden says, speaking to the two men still standing behind us.

“I’m not surprised, knowing how those types treat their women,” The gravelly voice scoffs, and I quiet myself further so that I can hear what they’re saying.

“I still want her,” The Adonis says.

I lift my head from Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome’s chest to see Warden chuckle and rub his gray-bearded chin.

“Well, then it all works out, Zeke. Y’all can watch over her until tomorrow when we get in touch with the good reverend,” Warden replies.

I feel my body stiffen, but Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome continues to rub my back in slow circles. I breathe in his scent, a mixture of leather and musk.

“You hear that, brothers?” Warden calls out to the room. “This young lady will be a guest of the Grim Riders until you hear otherwise. See that no harm comes to her.”

The men respond in grunts and a chorus of agreement. Warden makes a fist and bangs it against the table once more.

“We’re done here. Let’s go!”

The squeaking of chairs across the floor punctuates the hoots and hollers. Even though the men are trickling out of the room, I find comfort in resting my head on Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome's shoulder. I haven’t been able to process any of this. I’m still in danger of bursting into tears any second.

Finally, all the other bikers have shuffled out of the room, save for Warden and the three who kidnapped me. I’ve calmed down enough to lift my head and wipe away the tears from my cheeks.

“Y’all did good.” Warden nods at the men before glancing down at me. He clears his throat before he finally speaks.

“You’re safe here tonight. These men will make sure nothing happens to you,” Warden says. He strokes his beard and waits for my response.

I manage a small nod and Warden smiles.

“Y’all catch up at the party,” He says and slaps the big bear of a man on the shoulder. “Especially you, Gunner. It’s time to celebrate.”

Gunner rolls his eyes, but Warden is already sauntering out of the room.

I realize I know the names of two out of three of my captors. The Adonis is Zeke, which somehow seems to suit him, but the muscled hulk of a man is calledGunner. Dangerous and sexy, I couldn’t have come up with something more fitting in my wildest dreams.

“I guess it’s pastime for introductions,” Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome says with a lazy smile. His green eyes twinkle and I wonder if he’s read my mind. How is it he is the most charming of the trio, yet the last to reveal his name?

“I’m Rex,” He continues, leaning away from me to offer his right hand.

The sudden formality strikes me as preposterous. I laugh softly as I accept his hand, but I can’t meet his eyes. I tilt my head down. His hand is powerful but somehow tender and I feel a buzzing sensation on my skin. When Rex lets go, I still can’t look at him. A few blonde locks fall forward like a curtain around my face, and Rex gently tucks a strand behind my ear.

He’s so close, I have no choice but to look up. I stare into those green eyes and I notice that they’re flecked with hints of amber.

“I’m gonna call you Goldie,” Rex murmurs, smoothing back another blonde strand. He’s staring at me so intently, as if he can see down into the depths of my soul. “It suits you.”

It makes me smile, despite everything. I’m not sure why no one ever thought of it before. Goldie is the perfect nickname for Marigold. Infinitely more appropriate than Mary, especially given myvirginsituation.

“Now that’s better,” Rex nods approvingly at the change in my expression. He nods towards Gunner, who is standing with his arms crossed, and then towards Zeke, who calmly waits with hishands in his pockets. “That’s Gunner, and that’s Zeke, if you didn’t catch it before.”

I nod, brushing away any remaining moisture from underneath my eyes. I hope I don’t look like a hot mess.

“You still look beautiful,” Rex leans in to whisper, and I wonder if he read my mind again. The corners of his lips turn up into a mischievous smile.

“It seems like you’re stuck with us tonight, so we might as well make the best of it.” Rex stands from his kneeling position next to my chair and clasps my hand in his. “Let’s go join the party.”

It must be close to three in the morning and these guys are ready to goparty?I’d much rather be wrapped up in blankets in my own bed, but I don't really have much of a choice. Maybe I could use another cocktail after all of this. I smile weakly as I stand up from my seat.