I wonder which one Blue’s Advocate is. Based off the interaction I witnessed, it’s the prior. That stirs up more jealousy in me.

Scanning the ostentatious room, lit only by the soft glowing chandeliers on the vaulted ceiling, I don’t see Blue anywhere. She must still be upstairs with her Advocate, getting up to who knows what activities. I move toward the bar for a drink.

“Champagne, please.”

The bartender gives me a nod and pours me a flute. Once it’s in my hand, I don’t hesitate to take a drink.

“That looks good,” a sultry voice says from behind me. I turn and nearly drop the delicate glass.Blue. Leaning ever so slightly past me, I get a whiff of her scent. Sharp yet delicate, like citrus. “I’ll take two of those,” she says. Once she pulls away, I take in the collar she wears.

But as soon as her eyes flick to me, I’m lost in blue. So much so that I barely notice what she’s wearing. Some kind of black negligee. Even under the dim light of the room, I can see everything through the lacy fabric that hugs every inch of her generous curves. My palms itch to reach out, to run my thumb over her nipples, which are visible through the fabric, to pull the ankle length fabric up to her waist and find out what her thighs feel like, what between them feels and looks like.

She catches me taking her in, and I notice the attention is not lost on her.

“I enjoyed your performance at The Bidding,” I say, needing to hear more of that voice which has a touch of gravel in it, each of her words rolling with a roughness that intrigues me.

Blue gives a delicate laugh, and I find the sound even better than her voice. “You and everyone else.” She tilts her head to the side, that dark hair falling around her like black silk. “But I don’t remember seeing you there. I would think I would remember you.”


The bartender places one flute on the bar top, and I know once she has both she’s walking away, my window of time closing as I notice her Advocate watching from the corner of the room with his arms crossed. He’s eyeing me intently. I hide my smirk with a sip of my champagne.

“Handsome man like you?” Her hand moves up to her collar as she fiddles with the gold loop. If her intention was to draw my attention to it, to catch the subtle innuendo as she tugs on it, she’s doing a good job of getting my thoughts stirring and my cock twitching. “Why didn’t you bid?” I swear I hear a hint of disappointment in her tone, but she hides it in her expression as she gazes up at me.

“I’m not allowed to.” My thumb runs along the rounded edge of the glass. Her eyes catch the movement and I take a sip, her attention drawn to my mouth.

Two can play at that game, sweetheart,I think.

“Why not?” she interjects before I can explain, as if she, too, is sensing our window of time closing.

“Gamemakers aren’t allowed to bid.”

A poignant pause lingers between us as the bartender sets the second glass atop the bar top. She takes both in her hands. I’m even mesmerized by the way her fingers move to hold them. Delicate, yet meticulous.

“So you’re one of the deciders of my fate,” she says in one long breath, her eyes boring into mine.

I lower my voice to match hers. “Something like that.”

A gentle smile tugs at the corner of her beautiful mouth. She turns to leave with a sway of her hips. “Go easy on me, will you?” she says over her shoulder as she leaves. I watch the way her ass moves through the thin lace and catch the remnants of welts across her skin. Looks like her Advocate has already gotten to work. If she’s in any pain, it doesn’t show.

“No promises, sweetheart.”

The words are barely above a whisper, and I’m not even sure she caught them, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve already made up my mind that easy is not the path I’m going to take with her. I want to see her pushed to her limits.

She joins her Advocate and hands him the second glass of champagne. He leans into her ear and whispers something to her. A moment later, she’s dutifully taking a seat beside him at the table. His hand finds the back of her neck, but her eyes find mine again.

Something unmistakable drips from their depthless blue. I know what it is because I feel it, too. Yearning consumes me as I drink the rest of my champagne and request another, wonderingthe heights of which this yearning can build to, and how it will feel to finally give into it—ifI’m given the opportunity.

The thought makes my cock harden, but that desire is quickly quelled by my ambition for rules.

As a Gamemaker, Blue is off limits.

I’m immediately regretful that I will not be the one to own her.

But the forbiddance only makes me want her more.

And, I begin to ask myself, how far will I go to bend the rules of The Games to have her?

Chapter Four: Eve