Laurence steps onto the stage into the spotlight, and the confused chatter comes to a halt. “Hello. I’m not sure I ever introduced myself properly. I’m Laurence Vale, one of the Gamemakers who wrote this year’s games before I felt enticed by the call of being an Advocate. I’ve come to understand it was unorthodox, by your set precedent of rules. But, as the games are designed to be risky, the rules are designed to be broken. I stand before you once again as your Gamemaker, and bring to you the final game of this year’s season. We’ve seen a lot from our Players this year, many performances to admire, though a few above the rest.” His eyes fall on me, and a few heads turn. He continues to watch me as he says, “There is a very clear winner to me, but not a victor I get to claim.

“This game is not unlike one we’ve already played,” Laurence continues. “I think you all remember Two Truths and a Lie, which we played to get started. Though this time the game has some tweaks to it. Would Player One and their Advocate please come to the stage?”

Laurence walks away to disappear off stage, only to return with a chair. As Clover and her Advocate arrive on the stage, Laurence gestures to the seat, and Clover moves to take it.

“No, not you, Player One. Would your Advocate please take a seat?”

Clover and her Advocate both look at Laurence skeptically, but he ignores it.

“You will be playing One Truth, Two Lies,” Laurence begins. There’s a condescending amusement to his tone that makes me excited for what he’s cooked up next. “Your Players will be concocting this One truth and Two Lies, and you, as the Advocate, must guess the Truth. Hopefully you’ve gotten toknow your Players well enough over these last few weeks, because your ability to cash in on the winnings is dependent on if you pass this game with flying colors.”

Laurence grins as the Advocates erupt in protest. “First Carrick’s self-proclaimed Gamemaker status, now this?”

“Hey!” Carrick tries interrupting.

But Bree’s Advocate continues, “Now we have you trying to change how the rules of the games work?”

“Advocates have always received a portion of their Player’s winnings,” another complains. “It’s part of the betting, Vale,”

Laurence simply watches them with placid curiosity. “How interesting that you see the winnings as your Player’s, yet still think you have a right to it. I’m just leveling the field.” When there was silence, Laurence continued. “Let me clarify again. Your Player’s will state one truth and two lies, and you must guess the truth on the first try to not lose your bids. Of all three. So, like I said, I hope you’ve been paying attention to your Players. They have complete freedom here. With that, Player One, please begin.”

Laurence steps offstage, and I grin from ear to ear as I realize he’s not only flipped the script, but is toppling the games at the root—thebids. If all the Advocates lose their bidding money, itallgoes to their Players. He’s put the power of the games into the Player’s hands for the first time in the history of the games.

Before Clover can start, Ivan, Stella’s new Advocate, protests, “I want to know who authorized you to change what has been the standard for years.”

“Terrence,” Laurence tells him. “If you don’t believe me, you’re free to speak to him yourself.”

Ivan slowly sits down and starts whispering urgently to Stella, which is expected. I’m sure the Advocates are sweating, trying to plan out the truths with each Player. I only hope they have enough sense to withhold that information, to take theirwinnings at full price. Searching for Lily, I see her and Morticia whispering to each other. But she appears calm, smiling at something Morticia says.

Laurence joins me at my side again. “I can trust that you know what to do?”

“Yes. I already know what I’ll be asking Carrick.”

“Good. Everything is set up to do what we sought out to do, Blue. Take them all down.” Leaning in, he kisses me on the temple before swiftly disappearing through the doors. Vaughn follows after him.

“I’ll give it my all,” I say to myself, and wait for it to be my turn to take my revenge.

With my thoughts churning on the truths I plan to give to Carrick, who keeps glancing between me and the stage as our time comes, the rest of the Player’s turns go quickly. Just as Sarah finishes her last truth, her own Advocate failing, Carrick approaches with me a determined gait, and an even more determined look on his face.

“I am prepared to offer you ten percent of my winnings if you don’t make me botch this.”

At first, I can do nothing but stare at him blankly, and then descend into laughter. I return to serious as I say, “Fifty percent.”

“No.”He attempts to keep his voice quiet, but he fails. “That’s an absurd deal.”

“Its fifty percent or nothing.” I shrug. “What makes you think my intention here is to win, anyway?”

Carrick shakes his head. “You know what? I don’thaveto win the games to take that money.”

“What, are you going to launder it?”

His head whips to me. “Don’t you eventhinkabout it. You think that any of these people here care if I’ve laundered money?Any of these other lying, cheating bastards whoalsoparticipate in illegal betting? Please.” Carrick laughs bitterly.

“I guess we’re about to find out. Because we’re up.”

I grab Carrick’s hand and drag him on stage. He takes his seat, and I stand beside him.

“I’ll make the first one easy,” I whisper in his ear, giving him a hard clap on the shoulder. He flinches.