“What process, Laurence? Why do you need all this information on us?” I shove the files into his chest. He grabs my wrist and lets the files fall to the floor.

Coming back to reality, I down the rest of my champagne, hating the weight of the knowledge I now bare, the fear it instills in me if I lose these games. Even worse, Lily has no idea. The idea of Lily being exploited brings back that fiery protective rage I was feeling while reading our files.

Taking note of Lily’s empty hands, I interrupt the Advocates’ conversation. “Would either of you gentleman like something else to drink? Seven and I can take a trip to the bar for you.” I flutter my long eyelashes at the two men.

Heathe is none the wiser. “That would be lovely, Ten, thank you.” He hands me his nearly empty glass. “But I’d prefer Seven didn’t drink.”

“A seltzer for her, then,” I offer with a smile, and glance at Lily, who remains stoic. She’s good at hiding anything she’s feeling, always maintaining this faux persona of innocence. I still have a firm belief she could win, but that would put me at risk of being trapped here

I take my leave, Lily following me. Once we’re out of earshot, Lily leans in and says in a lighthearted tone, “Thank you. They were boring me half to death. I could use a breather.”

I can’t hold in what I know much longer. “I have to tell you something.”

It’s the direness in my tone that makes Lily break the innocent façade and look avidly concerned as we cross the room to the bar. “What is it?”

Looking around, I take note of anyone watching us. My eyes meet Carrick’s across the room, and I realize he’s watching me. I paint a fake smile on my face. “I’m going to tell you, but I need you tonotreact. Better yet, fake a reaction.” Looking down shyly, as if I’m about to tell her about a heated moment I shared with my Advocate, I say, “I know what happens to us after we’re disqualified.”

Lily looks at me curiously, her expression soft and inquisitive, but in her eyes, I see a deeper confusion. “We go home…” she tries to state, but she seems to sense that is not the truth as I look at her.

“They have shit on all of us, you know. Serious blackmail shit,” I say, still smiling. The performance is taken as far as tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My eyes flick over to Carrick, and I see he’s still watching as we approach the bar, waiting behind Monica and her Advocate. I lean into Lily’s ear, cupping my hand over my mouth like two girls exchanging dirty secrets. “They keep us here as servants. They don’t let us leave. And if we do, they expose us.” I pull away with a nod and a smile.

Lily’s eyes widen, which could be perceived as a genuine reaction to a dirty secret I’ve just told her, but I know she’s feeling exactly what I was earlier when Laurence told me he ‘processed’ Lucy.

“No… there’s no way,” she whispers.

Monica and her Advocate leave, barely paying us any mind. Monica is still just as snooty as when she arrived. We step up to the bar. “Two glasses of champagne please,” I tell the bartender. “And a sparkling water.”

The bartender nods and begins pouring the glasses.

“How do you know?” Lily asks innocuously. It’s difficult to talk about this with so many ears around, but there’s no opportunity for us to ever have a private moment.

“Laurence.” The bartender arrives, placing the glasses atop the bar top. I give a sweet smile and then turn away as Lily grabs her seltzer. “He told me everything. But only after I snooped.” I say the latter extra quietly.

“What do we do?” Lily asks.

I grit my teeth while I force on the best fake smile I can muster. “Find a way off this damn island.”

“Will Laurence help?”

“I’m still gauging him. I can’t tell if he’ll risk his entire standing in the Echelon Society for me. We’ll keep in touch,” I say in a rushed whisper as we arrive back to our Advocates. I hand Heathe his champagne and take a sip of mine.

“Such a polite Player, Vale. You know,” Heathe addresses me now, “from your performance at the Bidding, I thought you would cause more trouble than you’re worth. But from what I hear, you’re doing rather well—and obediently, at that.”

“Thank you.” I dip my chin. “It helps when you have such an attentive Advocate.” Reaching out, I trace the lapel of Laurence’s jacket. “He makes me want to obey.”

Heathe makes an appreciative humming noise and caresses a hand down Lily’s back. “Well, Vale, enjoy your evening. I’m going to spend some time with my Player.”

He leads Lily away, but not before she risks a quick last glance over her shoulder at me, everything she’s feeling in onesecond following the façade she lets slip. The fear in her eyes emanates like daggers.

Not only do we all have a risk of being put away in jail, but we all have family we have to take care of. Lily has siblings that rely on her.

I have a father who’s relying on me.

A warm hand finds the small of my back and Laurence leans in. “You’re going to put us both at risk, Ten. You shouldn’t have told her.”

“How do you know I told her anything?” I ask innocently.

“Please don’t take me for a fool. I saw the look she gave you. That was a woman in fear.” His hand traces small circles on my back, giving us the appearance of having an intimate moment.