“I have something picked out for you already. I’m your Advocate now. That means you must trust me. Do everything I say, and you’ll walk away from here a victor. Understood?”

Occupied with assessing his intense features, I don’t answer right away, and in response to my hesitance, he grips my chin harder.

“Understood?” he repeats, more firmly this time.

“Understood,” I say, starting to feel uncomfortable with the way he’s looking at me.

“You will address me as master.”

I was never super into the “master” title, but I play along for the sake of the game. For the money. He must be a victor for a reason.

“Understood, master.”

Something unexpected stirs inside me when I say it, surprising myself. Suddenly I’m very aware of howverynaked and exposed I am.

“Good.” Ivan releases my chin and grabs the back of my neck, leading me toward the stairs. His hand is large, warm, and rough.

I’ll admit to having enjoyed rough in the past, and the idea of his hand gripping me harder, of moving just a few inches to the front, twists my core in a knot of anticipation as we ascend the stairs and enter a hallway lined with doors.

Ivan only releases me to pull a keycard from his pocket and slide it into the door’s lock, the light turning green as he pushes it open, gesturing for me to enter. “After you, princess.”

Entering the room, I take in the lavish décor, the four-poster king size bed, the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the jungle, the velvet cushioned bench at the end of the bed, a wardrobe, and to my left, a large bathroom with a stand up, glass doored shower and a tub that could easily fit two. Everything is decorated in shades of crimson and off-white, the fabrics velvet and silk, the floors marble like the rest of the manor.

Ivan heads toward a door which I realize is a walk-in closet, his clothes lining the walls. He disappears for a moment as Istand exposed in the middle of the room, but I keep my hands at my sides, even though it feels brisker in here than I expected, my nipples peaking in the chilled central air.

Returning, Ivan grasps something circular in his hand, no dress in sight. “First things first,” he murmurs, crossing the room toward me with slow, long strides, his height carrying him with intimidating ease. He stops only a few inches away from me, and I can feel his warmth wash over my skin, making me feel inclined to lean in. Looking up into his face, he inhales a long breath. “You are incredibly beautiful, Ten. I will enjoy my time with you.”

With his free hand, he reaches up and brushes a thumb over my peaked nipple. A sharp gasp escapes my lips at the sensation. He rubs it again, his hand resting on my breast, the warmth of his hand intoxicating.

“You will behave for me, yes?” he asks. “Idon’tlike troublemakers.”

As his eyes search my face, I realize he’s referencing what I said at The Bidding. His fingers pinch down on my nipple, harder than I expected, and I wince.

“Yes, master,” I say, and he massages away the sharp pain, making me moan. I arch my back, bringing my chest up so he’ll touch it more.

For a moment, Ivan closes his eyes, inhaling deeply before opening them again, a darker intent shadowing the hazel of his irises. “Good,” he breathes, and raises the item in his hands.

I realize it’s a collar, black leather inlaid with gold detail. I still as he places it around my neck, buckling it at the back until the cool leather is snug against my throat. Once it’s latched, he takes a step away and looks me up and down again. There’s both discomfort and arousal rolling through me at his gaze. Having dealt with a wide variety of men in my line of work, I am notunfamiliar with their desire toward me, or even some of their proclivities to dominate me in the bedroom.

But there’s somethingdifferentabout this exchange between Ivan and me.

“You belong tome, Ten,” he says, waiting in expectant silence.

I take a guess at what he’d like to hear, the money and anticipation on my mind. I’m turned on by the prospect of both.

“I belong to you, master.”

He closes his eyes again, as if relishing my words.

Closing the space between us, he reaches up and hooks a finger in the ring dangling at the front of my throat. “Let me show you just how much you belong to me.” Tugging at my collar, he guides me over to the four-poster bed and pulls at the ring until I land on top of the mattress on my stomach. I try to turn over, thinking he means to fuck me, and with the way my pussy has been throbbing at each touch he’s given me, and the wetness I caused myself at the bidding, I’m more than willing and eager. Instead, he commands me, “Bend over the bed. Stay on your stomach.”

I do as he says, knowing where this is going, and perch my ass in the air over the edge of the mattress.

Ivan disappears back into the closet. I hear his footsteps return, but I don’t see him. “I want you to know what happens when you misbehave. I have been victor two years running, with five victories under my belt.” The sound of him undoing his belt and then whipping it free of his belt loops is an intense accompaniment to the subtle brag he’s sharing with me. “I’m a victor for a reason. Ask me why.”

“Why are you a victor, master?” The silk duvet is cool against my cheek as I play into his role, but I’m itching for any touch, finding myself eager for it. I perch up on my toes, bringing my ass further up into the air.

I hear him suck in a breath between his teeth at my motion. “So fucking eager for me.” The metal clinking of the belt sounds as he adjusts it in his hands. “I’m a victor because my Players are disciplined.” I feel his presence come up behind me, his hand wrapping around the hair at the base of my skull as he pulls my face off the duvet, forcing my back to arch so his lips can meet my ear. My breathing comes heavy, my heart racing. My pussythrobs. “You’re going to learn to behave, Ten, and you’ll be a victor, too.”