I don’t let my thoughts ruminate on what unfolded after that, or his words, as I roll out of bed and begin picking out my outfit for Nyla and Kieran’s party. I’ve been working hard on planning it for weeks. Thankfully, I can pass it off as a work event so Brian won’t feel obligated to come, and I can enjoy some peace, copious amounts of wine, and hopefully not have to face my planning companion too much.

I expect Kay to be there. It’s his brothers party, and from what I’ve heard down the Gia and Nyla grapevine, they’re working on making amends.

Too bad Kay is still a manipulative criminal.

I yank open my dresser drawer a little too aggressively and wind up pulling it straight out, socks and underwear spilling at my feet. “Great,” I mutter, bending over to pick up the mess.

Nico strolls up, giving me one of his judgmental meows.

“I don’t need your sass right now, Nico.”

He looks at me with his big round eyes, a soft trill emanating from him.

“If you’re not here to help me choose a dress, then get a move on.”

Nico turns and leaves the bedroom. Even my own cat wants nothing to do with me.

After sorting out my dresser drawer, I pull out the undergarments I need for the dress I have in mind. I strap myself into the lingerie and hang the dress up on the closet door, still debating on if it’s the one I want to go with. I simultaneously want to make someone regret they ever let me go while also not wanting him to think I care what he thinks. Isthisthe dress for that?

Brian emerges from the bathroom in a cloud of steam and cologne, which is truly not my favorite smell in the world.

“Isthatwhat you’re wearing tonight?” he asks, eyeballing me in my lingerie set. He smirks. “Who are you trying to impress?”

“Myself,” I say, turning back to the dress. “What are you up to tonight?” I ask absently, without looking at him.

“Probably going out with the boys. Probably won’t be back until late.” He pulls the towel from his waist, displaying himself to me as he ruffles his hair dry with it.

“If you’re going to be out late, don’t worry about coming back over. I’ll be out late, too, anyway.” I don’t say it out loud, but I can’t wait to pass out diagonally across my bed. I already miss having the space to myself. The idea of separate bedrooms in this arranged engagement suddenly doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea.

“Alright.” Brian shrugs and gathers some clothes from his drawer in my dresser. He doesn’t care about spending time with me, either. We’re perfect for each other. We can mutually benefit from this arrangement in all other areas in life, and we don’t have to worry about ever expecting anything from the other.

That sounds like pure bliss.

I decide I don’t want the dress I’ve been staring at and dig through my racks from my time at Apollo Sole. The spring collection that Gia helped with, in her very short time as an employee there, was still one of my all-time favorites, and I managed to snag one of the designs when they had it. It’s not overtly sexy, or showy, or even a statement piece, but it is my favorite, and I’ve never gotten a chance to wear it. I pull it from the closet, zip it out of its bag, and lay it out on the bed to admire it.

This is the one,I think.This is the one that will make him regret ever fooling me.


The party Kay and I started planning so many weeks ago has turned out better than I could have imagined. The club is nearly unrecognizable. It’s already a classy space, with tall pillars lining the edges. We kept the color scheme to muted whites and pale blues, but Nyla’s request to add some darker blues in her décor have somehow elevated the space even more. Twinkling midnight blue centerpieces sit atop tables, fairy lights are strung across the space with more dangling blue flowers, and the lights have been dimmed, making it a soft, romantic space that’s so like Nyla, I can’t help but be proud of what we put together.

As I walk in, my head swivels, searching. I can’t help but look.

But I notice something else happening. Heads are swiveling towardme.

Nervously, I run my hands down my dress, as if it’s necessary to smooth out the already snug shape of the satin fabric. The dress is part satin, part leather. One sleeve is made of leather, while the rest is a spilling display of black embroidered with green, and gold patterns on the skirts. Its some of Leo’s finest work, and I’m proud to wear it, but I’m suddenly self-conscious that I’ve arrived too overdressed despite the groupings of wealthy party goers clearly wearing designer. Elegant music swells through the speakers.

“I thought I recognized that dress,” a familiar voice says from behind me. I turn to find Leo dressed immaculately in his trademark green, carrying a glass of bubbling champagne. “You look stunning.” He leans in to kiss me on the cheek. “And it’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, too, Mr. De Luca,” I say, smiling. And it truly is.

“Please, just Leo. How is Midnights treating you compared to Apollo Sole? The stylists miss you.” He leans in ever so slightly, sending me a wink. I’m glad to see his flirty persona hasn’t gone anywhere, but there’s something more lax about him. The Leo I remember was uptight. Flirty, but uptight, and always working too hard. Now he’s glowing with a softness I haven’t seen before, and soon I see why.

Gia swoops in, an angel in matching Leo emerald, her pixie cut freshly platinum blonde and her cheeks tinted pink. She loops her arm through Leo’s. They exchange a smile that both warms my cold dead heart, and twists it with a spike of jealousy. It seems even Leo and Gia can figuretheirissues out.

“The Apollo Sole crew, back together for an evening,” Gia says cheerfully, taking Leo’s champagne from him and taking a sip. He seems absolutely unfazed by the action. He only has eyes for her. “You look ravishing, Talia.” She gives me a warm smile, handing Leo back his champagne, who doesn’t miss a beat.

“So do you. I can’t believe how beautifully this all turned out.”