I catch her by the wrist before she can leave. “That’s seriously all you want? Talia, I would eat you out until you were nothing but a quivering mess. I’d bend you over right here regardless of who’s watching.Anything.”

Tie you up, spank you ‘til you’re red…

Talia turns to face me head on, pulling her wrist free from my grip. She shrugs, and says, “Then beg.”

I’veneverbegged for a woman. I’ve neverhadto beg for a woman. And something about Talia asking the one thing I swore I’d never do both infuriates me and turns me on beyond belief.

“You want me so bad, Kay?” She takes a step toward me, and the way she looks at me with that familiar challenge in her eyes brings the very word I swore I’d never utter to the tip of my tongue. “Thenbeg.”

“No,” I say, despite another word wanting to come to the surface just so I can have her.

“I’m not that easy, Kay.”

“I don’t want you to be.”

“Then let the games continue.” Talia turns to head for the door, but says over her shoulder, “I’m going to go on my lunch break, and then we can start tackling Nyla’s party. We’ll move on from this until you learn to beg.”

“You’re insufferable.”

“And you’re arrogant.” The words are our usual insults, but she smiles at me from the doorway, a rare sight. It makes turning this down even harder. “Be back in an hour.”

She disappears.

This woman is going to be the death of me.

Dropping back down into my seat, I slouch into the chair, resting my chin on my fist. I want her so badly, but I don’t want to beg. I wantherto beg.

Better yet, I want to see if shecanget me to beg.

If she’s going to take the upper hand, so can I. Her words still ring inside my head like a promise:Let the games continue.

And they will indeed, already planning my next move to get Talia Hale to give into me.

Chapter Eight: Kay

The party planning with Talia is not what I expected it to be.

I expected close quarters, maybe some new risqué touches after our encounter, but she’s treating me even worse than before.

She’s beingcordial. Not cruel, not kind, but completely neutral, and it’skillingme.

The rest of the week passes like that, and because we’re at an impasse, I haven’t made any moves. To be honest, I was hoping she’d have given into me by now after our kiss, and I know she’s not making it easy on me intentionally.

While pouring over a list of phone numbers for vendors to ask about the details of what Nyla wants for her party, Talia sits nearly shoulder-to-shoulder with me at my desk. It’s the closest she’s ever casually sat next to me. I can’t tell if that means she’s growing more comfortable with the idea of being close to me, or if it’s part of her game.

Either way, the smell of her perfume coming off her neck is driving me mad. A tilt of her head spills her loose hair away from that pomegranate tattoo, and I think I could lean in right now and kiss it like I’ve wanted to formonths.

“What do you think of tapas versus hors d’oeuvres? I know Nyla requested some kind of small food, but not the specificity of it.” She turns to me, her face so close to mine I pull away an inch after realizing I’d started to lean in, which surprises me. I was never one to pull away. But for Talia, I do.

What is she doing to me?

Our eyes are still locked, and she blinks at me. “Hello?” she says, annoyed. “Earth to Kay? I asked a question.”

Right. “I don’t think it matters.”

“Ithink it matters. Want to call this list of places I’ve got and schedule some tastings for Nyla? She shared her schedule with me, so you’ll have to work with that.” Talia slides the laptop over to me, where a shared calendar is open for planning all of Nyla’s activities.

“Sounds riveting.” I pull out my cell phone.