Page 24 of The Spark of Love

“The answer is no, Gillian. If you want to share some fun together looking at catalogues or visiting warehouses, okay, but you will not use my name and I will not be responsible for any choices you make.”

“Oooh. Somebody is testy today. I bet it’s about that hot doctor you are going to lunch with.”

Julie checked her watch. “Speaking of which, I’ve got to go.” Luckily, she had not told Gillian what time she would be meeting Noah so she could leave now even though it was a bit early.

As she made her way to her car, Gillian asked to meet with her again, and Julie agreed, hoping her friend understood her terms and knowing she was going to stick to them.

As she drove down the country road going farther out on the North Fork, Julie’s stomach knotted, her nerves getting the best of her. She knew having lunch with Noah would not turn out to be a go-nowhere waste of time like the other dates she had recently tried, but what could happen might be worse. Julie had walled off thoughts about a whole two-year span in her life that was connected with the last time she saw Noah.

And she was not willing to open those wounds and bleed.

Not even for him.

No wonder she had chosen to hide behind her money and her daughter and her brother.

Julie parked in a lot in the town of Greenport and decided to kill time looking in some of the shops on the main drag. She knew Greenport had once been a whaling village and wasnow a trendy stop on the yachting circuit, with its marinas and boutiques and galleries and bistros and even a public park with a carousel.

She tried to relax herself with some window shopping, stepping inside a few places as well. When she looked in the window of a bridal and custom-made dress shop, she saw a child’s party dress on display and froze.

Julie looked up at the sign on the door that read “Yes, Lexi.”

Marching inside, feeling both confused and angry, Julie tried to control her voice, but it came out like a stern demand when she said, “I need to speak to the manager or preferably the owner, please.”

The store was empty except for a tall thin blonde who lifted her eyebrows and looked at the chubby Black woman standing next to her. The Black woman stepped forward, saying, “That would be me. Manager and owner. Lexi Rogers. How can I help you?”

“Tell me how you got that blue print child’s dress in the window,” Julie said, an accusatory tone slipping out.

Now it was Lexi whose lips formed a tight line. “I got it from a wholesale supplier I know. She does not sell to private individuals, and if you are a shop owner, I do not share my wholesale contacts.”

Julie shook herself, realizing how blunt and impolite she sounded. “I’m sorry, I… It’s just that…um…I designed that dress and I had no idea any were being sold here. Or anywhere, for that matter.”

“What is your label name?” Lexi asked, clearly suspicious.


“Okay, I got it from Hortense Shriver. Sound familiar?”

Julie blew out a sigh. “Yes, Hortense and one other woman are the only people I work with.” She shrugged. “I’m sorry. I sell so few that I’ve stopped reading her reports. I apologize forbarging in here like I did. I’m on edge today and seeing it caught me by surprise and I—”

“Come sit down,” Lexi said, and guided her to a group of peach-colored sofas next to teak coffee tables, no doubt used when bridal parties tried on dresses.

As Julie sat, her eyes scanned the place. Big potted plants, modern-style mirrors and paintings. Mannequins in odd and interesting poses. “You’ve got some gorgeous dresses in here. Are some of these your designs?”

“They are. As I said, I’m Lexi Rogers.” She extended her hand this time.

“I’m Julie Vaughn,” she said, shaking her hand.

Lexi wore a colorful pantsuit that almost called attention to her size, which was a clever fashion statement in itself. “Would you like some coffee or tea?”

“No, thanks,” Julie said. “I’m meeting someone for lunch.”

“Someone that puts you on edge?” she asked, an eyebrow lifted.

Julie gave a soft chuckle. “Kind of. It’s a lot of things.”

“This is Bailey Abbott, by the way,” Lexi said, as the tall blond woman joined them. “She owns the shop next door.”

“Nice to meet you.”