Page 20 of The Spark of Love

More hugs and wine and finger food and then so many introductions Julie could hardly keep up.

Of course, she’d already met Carter months ago, and Jordan had been appearing with her big brother on visits home since their teens.

“We’re just doing a buffet,” Carter told her, “because there are too many guests to seat everyone, and the caterers are setting the food out now if you’re hungry.”

Julie thanked them again for doing this for her brother. She had offered to contribute food or some other expense for the party, but Jordan had refused.

At this point Julie decided it was time to go the front of the house to see if everything was all right with her daughter. She found Molly in a sun room with about four other kids. She was sitting on the floor, drawing, the dogs lying next to her seeming to guard everyone.

“Don’t worry, Julie,” Melody said. “I’ve got it all under control.”

“Wow. You are too good to be true.”

“Not really,” Melody said. “I just know my Uncle Jordy and Carter wanted all the adults to have a great time today. Did you know they are the ones who introduced Tricia and Bryce? I got to know both of them when I was a bridesmaid in my uncle’s wedding.”

“It’s wonderful how those magical things happen in life, isn’t it?” When had she stopped believing it would happen to her?

“And I’m the one who introduced Uncle Jordy to Carter,” Melody said. “She was my dance teacher. Still is, actually.”

“I’ve heard how talented you are. Tell Bryce to let me know next time you have a performance.”

Melody blushed and grinned and Julie bent over to touch her daughter’s shoulder, saying, “Molly, do you want me to bring a plate of food for you in here?”

“Nope. Not hungry,” Molly said, not looking up from her drawing of the dogs and the big potted plants around them.

Julie glanced at Melody. “Once she starts on a drawing it’s hard to pull her away. Just like Bryce.” She was about to add, “And her grandfather,” but she stopped herself. Not that a teenage girl would know who he was anyway.

Melody gestured to a table in the corner and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll be bringing in some plates of food for them and setting it up on that table. None of Uncle Jordy’s friends have kids my age, so it’s kind of fun being in charge.”


She knew that voice. And after all these years, hearing him say her name went straight to her core.

She turned to the hallway behind her. “Noah.”

So handsome. And hot. God, he was sexy.

Julie remembered times when she would come home to the apartment they’d shared and she would see him working at the dining table. She would take forever to remove her coat and shoes just so she could keep looking at him for as long possible. “Um, are you friends with my brother now?”

“Kind of. Although, it was only recently I realized it was your brother Tricia had married.”

Tricia. Had Noah and Tricia been dating at one time? The green monster rose up and she tried to fight it and instead think of something to say.

But Noah continued as they strolled away from the sun room. “Jordan invited me. I work with the volunteer firefighters here in the North Fork, so that is how I became friends with him and this whole group. Jordan sends the dancers in Carter’s company to me and the wives of most of our firefighter team have all become patients of mine. I delivered Blake’s baby. And Marni’s too.”

“Blake? Marni?” She shook her head. “Are they part of the dance company?”

“No. Blake is Morgan’s wife and Harper’s sister, and Marni is Harper’s wife. I guess you haven’t met Harper or Morgan yet either?”


“There is a circle of friends I got pulled into because of the firefighters. And The Blue Albatross bistro that is owned by two firefighters where we often hang out.”

“I’ve heard of The Blue Albatross. But I haven’t met any of the—”

“The North Fork contingent?”

“They all live in the North Fork?”