Page 2 of The Spark of Love

Now those gorgeous brown eyes of his went back to his tablet and stayed there, studying it. Was he going to pretend he did not know her? Was that what she should do?

Yes. Keep it professional. Doctor and patient.

But he was going to have his head between her legs.

At least she was neatly trimmed down there.

Where he was going to have his hands.

Where he’d been so many times in the past.

She tried not to think of the great sex they used to have. Or to notice the same old way those sensitive hands of his swatted at a few shaggy bangs he could never keep from falling across his forehead. The hands of a doctor now.

He was still boyish and sophisticated at the same time. She had always liked that about him. And he’d always had a more muscular build than you’d expect from a brainy med student.

Today Noah looked way too good in his fitted pale green button-down shirt and gray dress pants. So good she was getting turned on before he even touched her.


Meanwhile, she must look like an awkward frump to him, sitting here in this bulky paper gown, her legs hanging off the table, which made her thighs flatten out and look fat.

Noah seemed to have totally recovered from his initial shock of seeing her—which she found slightly insulting—and started asking her the usual questions and commenting on her chart. He noted the updates she had filled out on the form in the waiting room. Medications. Illnesses. Last period.

Between the seductive timbre of his voice—which she didn’t think he was aware of—and her racing thoughts jumbling the past and present, she was not really listening.

“I see you get regular mammograms. Good. And the report on your last one is excellent. No irregular Pap smears. And you have one child.”

He glanced at her when he said that. Did it mean he still cared?

“Yes, a daughter.”

Noah looked again at her chart and could no doubt see her marital status was listed as single.

She almost blurted out to him, “Did you ever marry? Did you ever have those kids you wanted?”

But she stopped herself. And instead waited silently as he nodded a few times while looking at the rest of her chart.

That was when she remembered the questions about possible STDs and the number of partners she’d had in the last three years.


How humiliating. She should have lied. The party girl who’d once called him boring was now a boring, lonely—

“Ms. Vaughn?” Cathy said, looking concerned.

“Oh, sorry. My mind was wandering.”

The nurse had set up the little tray of instruments—including the speculum and gel lubricant—next to the exam table.

They were ready to go.

Dr. Noah Taylor put on his gloves, gave her a smile that would turn any woman to butter, and said, “Lie down, please, feet in the stirrups. And just relax.”

Yeah, right.

Noah wasglad Nurse Cathy was present. It meant he had to maintain doctor-patient confidentiality and didn’t dare reveal any personal information about Julie or acknowledge their past in front of her.

And that was a relief. For now anyway.