Page 69 of That First Moment

Why did I ever think I could enter a painting in the festival?

I rolled over, onto my back, letting a loud groan fill the air without even thinking that Elliot was still asleep on the couch. I hadn’t heard him get up and move, in fact, all I heard was silence. If he wasn’t awake then, he should be awake now, especially after that groan.

Slipping from my warm bed, I grabbed my robe and headed down the steps. Elliot lay on the couch still, a blanket only covering his waist and legs, his chest bare. His left arm was draped over his eyes, giving me a perfect view of his tattoo. His right arm hung off the side of the couch. He looked insanely comfortable, and insanely gorgeous. I suddenly wish I had my phone to sneak a photo of this sight. I would keep it forever.

An impulsive thought entered my mind.

Join him.

Normally, I never acted on impulse, but this one was too strong.

Making sure my robe was tight around my waist, I crawled on top of Elliot. He jumped, his right arm coming up quicker than I anticipated, but I didn’t care. I laid my head on his chest and instantly found his heartbeat. He inhaled sharply and then his arm settled around my waist. Just the weight of his arm calmed my nerves.

At that moment, I was really glad I listened to my impulsive thoughts.

“Good morning,” he mumbled as his arm lowered from his eyes to my shoulders. “What brought this on?”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “Just an impulsive thought I chose to follow.”

“Okay, yes, I know those. Clay likes to remind me I listen to those a lot.”

“It seemed like a good idea.”

He took a deep breath, his chin resting on the top of my head. “Embrace those thoughts. Clay may not like that I do impulsive things, but they can be refreshing sometimes.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I laughed lightly, shifting my weight on top of him. “What are some of your impulsive thoughts?”

He hummed. “Offering to be your fake boyfriend for three weeks.”

“I wouldn’t consider that an impulsive thought.”

“An impulsive offer.”

I bit the inside of my lip, holding in a laugh. I was always laughing with him. Always smiling, always laughing. He made the world brighter.

“When do we need to be at the gallery?” he asked, sleep still in his voice.

I raised my head, resting my chin on his chest, his eyes were still closed, and his breathing was slower. His fingers began creating little circles on my shoulder. It was calming for both of us.

“I have to be there at two, the showing starts at four, and then the dinners and presentations at six.”

“It’s going to be a long day,” he hummed. “Worth it, but long.”

“I hope it will be worth it.” Taking a deep breath, I began to lift myself from him. “I’ll go make coffee.”

His arm around my waist tightened. “Nah, just lay here a bit longer.”

He didn’t need to ask me twice. I settled back in, resting between the back of the couch and Elliot. I wasn’t directly on top of him anymore, but his warmth was still there. I closed my eyes and forced my stomach and mind to calm down.

A loud banging startled both of us what felt like seconds later. Elliot fell off the couch, hitting the floor with a bang and I sat up, completely confused.

“Did we fall back asleep!?” I gaped.

Elliot grabbed his phone and let out a long sigh. “Yes, yes we did.”

“What time is it?” I asked, looking towards the kitchen as the bang happened once again. Jillian stood at the patio door, banging her palm against the glass. Once she noticed I was looking at her, she waved like an idiot. “It’s Jilly.”

“It’s ten . . .”