I waved the mic around in my fingers, completely shocked that I just did that with him. I rolled my lips, trying to stay in the moment and be confident, completely shaking the nerves out of my body. I wasn't nervous when I started singing, so why was I getting nervous now?
The announcer walked up the stage and patted Elliot on the back, “I think it’s safe to say we have a new favorite for the night!” The crowd cheered. “What do you say Daxton? Can you perform a few more for us?”
Elliot’s smile grew. “Sure, I’d love to.”
“I can’t believe you just did that Jamie! And you kept that talent from us! He’s amazing Jamie!” Jillian shouted.
I heaved a sigh, making sure the mic was off before I set it down on the table.
“Don’t I know it.”
Elliot had completely stolen karaoke from the rest of the crowd, but I don't think anyone else minded. He ended up singing at least six or seven more songs before he tapped out for the night, making his way back to the table. Full of confidence, his adrenaline boosted as he swooped me into his arms once I stood to meet him.
My siblings began to fawn over him, telling him exactly how amazing he was, but he had heard it all before. He thanked them, said he enjoyed every second of it, leaving to talk to the announcer once again before we all left the table after paying our tab. Elliot and I stepped out of the building first and greeted with a massive snowfall. The roads were covered with snow—one foot at least—and no cars were on the road. Elliot’s Jeep was the only one I could really see, even though it was covered in snow.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I screamed. I could already feel the snow touching my feet, instantly regretting the high heels.
“I bet you're second guessing the stilettos . . . huh?” He laughed, wrapping his arm around my waist, bringing me close to his body. “I’ll step in first, and then you can step in my footprints.”
“Hell no,” I said without hesitation. “Go get the car and bring it around to me.”
“Oh, so you're a princess now?”
“I swear if you start calling me Princess . . .”
“Nah, you’re my rockstar, so that’s what I’ll be calling you from now on. I didn’t know you could sing. A painteranda singer . . . you are simply amazing.” Elliot’s voice softened as he said the last line.You are simply amazing.
My heart fluttered, but a quick clearing of my throat reminded me that we were in the middle of a snowstorm, and I wasn’t wearing the proper footwear.
“Just go get the car and come get me.”
Elliot’s laugh boomed, “Yea, no, that's not happening.”
He tightened his grip around my waist and lifted me off the ground. I bent my knees and reached for his coat, grabbing onto anything I could to help keep me stable, and once I was high enough, he trudged through. We laughed with each step, and I could feel myself falling, slipping through his grip.
“I’m falling!” I squealed.
“We’re almost there,” he replied, a laugh still hanging in the air. “I got you!”
Once we reached the Jeep, he kicked snow out of the way and dropped me down in front of him, his hands still on my waist. I could feel the heat from his palms through my layers. The pressure of them was enough to send my stomach in knots. I glanced at the bar, seeing my siblings finally leave the bar.
“See,” Elliot’s voice pulled me back to him, “semi-dry feet.” He smiled.
I placed my hands on his chest, running them up to his shoulders, feeling his hair flutter between my fingers. Today was full of adventure—new experiences that I hadn’t planned on having. All with Elliot. If he weren’t standing in front of me, fake boyfriend or not, I wouldn’t be feeling this way. I would have still flown down the mountain on that tube, alone, while my family went with their spouses. I would have still enjoyed my time tonight with them, but Elliot . . .
Elliot made it all feel different.
I had told him I had thought about our kiss, that I wanted it again. Who was to say he had to make the first move.
My heels already made it so I was closer to him, but I still lifted myself to the balls of my feet, pulling him down to me, and kissed him.
Just like on my front porch, his lips were soft and hesitant at first, but they relaxed as his arms wrapped around my body, fully enveloping me. With a deep breath he parted his lips, deepening the sweet kiss, becoming hungry—passionate. Our tongues began to dance with one another as the snow hit our cheeks, the chill from the flakes only making the heat between us stronger. Snow snuck its way into my stilettos, but even that chill was nothing compared to Elliot. Lacing my fingers through his hair, I finally broke the kiss, knowing very well I’d be coming back for more.
“Hi,” he whispered against my lips.
“There’s snow in my shoe.”
He smiled. “You’re simply amazing.”