Page 49 of That First Moment

“Okay you two!” Jillian called. “It’s almost dinner time. That was fun, but let’s go inside and warm up.”

Elliot watched as Jillian gathered her family and walked back inside, turning his focus back to me.

“Do you want some hot chocolate?” he asked, raising his eyebrows and tilting his head towards the house.

“Race you?”

Without hesitation, Elliot took off towards the house, running past the kids and Jillian and through the door. Shaking my head, I followed, knowing that it wasn't a race, and I was starting to want to follow him anywhere.

After dinner, Elliot helped my mom in the kitchen and I helped my siblings get their kids ready for bed. Holden was working well with Carrie, getting their three off to bed, and I was in charge of the bedtime story. All five of the kids shared a room, with two sets of bunk beds and a twin bed up against the wall. The cousins seemed to be enjoying their time together.

I sat in the middle of the room, the book laid out in front of me and all ten eyes staring at me as I read the first few chapters ofCharlotte's Web.

Closing the book once they all had drifted off, I closed the door and headed back to the adults. My parents had already escaped to their cabin, and my brothers and sister stayed with their partners and Elliot in the living room. I joined them, sitting next to Elliot on the couch, lifting my knees close to my body.

“All the kids are asleep. You’re welcome.” I bowed, looking at my brother and sister.

“In that case . . .” Carrie slapped Holden’s knee. “I’m going to bed myself. It’s not every night I get to read.”

Holden stretched. “Oh, I’m coming.”

“They won't be sleeping,” Jillian mumbled. “Just remember you’re already out numbered!”

Holden turned back to glare at Jillian, who only gave him an extremely cheesy grin.

“Thanks, Jamie,” Carrie called, while Holden waved to me as he disappeared up the stairs.

“Night,” I responded. “Are you two going to go to bed too? It’s still early.” I asked Jillian, leaning on the back of the couch, sitting a little closer to Elliot then I normally would.

Jillian twisted her face, furrowing her eyebrows to give me a look of either disbelief or confusion. “I’m not lame like Holden and Carrie. My kids are asleep and it’s only eight.”

Elliot laughed, his head tilting back onto the couch. I watched him as he relaxed. His jaw was defined, and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he chuckled softly. His eyes fluttered back open with a sigh as he pulled himself back to the present. It was five seconds—and five seconds was all I needed to notice these things.

I blinked and took a deep breath.It’s. Not. Real.

“Would you two be up for a few drinks?” Will’s voice was heavy as he pushed himself off the couch. “I know Janet and Holden have wine and beer. What about you, Dax?”

Elliot leaned his head back again, following Will as he got closer to the fridge. “I’ll take a beer, thanks.”


“I doubt Mom has margarita mix in there.” I smiled, running my hands through my hair as my gaze was still fixed on Elliot.

“You and your Mango-Ritas.” Elliot’s remark flew off his tongue, as if he was waiting to say it.

“Hey, they are delicious.” I slapped his shoulder lightly with my hand, my wrist hanging off the couch.

The flirtatious vibes that were coming from me even shocked me. This is how I was with other guys, not with Elliot. I had never really flirted with Elliot—never really had the desire to. But yet, here I was, wanting all of his attention. Noticing those small things that I normally wouldn’t have noticed on him. Even that night when he kissed me, the kiss that still entered my mind from time to time, I admitted he was attractive, but that was it. I had made the decision then and there he was a friend and nothing more.

Was it just because he made the day seem different? Main Street, the snowball fight, the small glances and looks he gave me all day. TheUncle Daxton.

Whatever it was, I needed to get it out of my head.

“There's no margarita mixes, but there is a mango Moscato,” Will called from the kitchen.

“Oh, I’ll take a glass!”

“Check the alcohol content,” Jillian added. “Jamie’s a lightweight.”