Jamie had a sharp intake of breath as she shifted in her seat. “Okay, well . . .” she stammered, “we have nine hours left on this adventure, what kind of music do you like?”
She began to busy herself connecting her phone to my Jeep, completely taking over the music selection. Once she opened her music app, I couldn’t help but smile when I noticed that the last song she had listened to was one of mine.
Chapter Fourteen
Nine hours with Elliot passed way too quickly. We stopped for lunch and some snacks while we got gas and, before I knew it, we were passing into Utah. In the time being in the car with him I learned his favorite band was Metallica, but would often go to more soothing music while working or trying to find inspiration for his own songs. We listened to a few of his songs on the drive—I claimed they just popped up with the shuffle of music—but the smirk and quick side-eye he gave me told me he didn't believe me.
He didn't need to know that I added all of his albums to my library and starred my favorite ones.
As soon as Salt Lake City came into view, I got butterflies in my stomach. My family was just twenty minutes away—just throughthat canyon. There was snow, seemingly a fresh layer, and a lot of it. More than I had seen in a long time.
I pulled my phone from my bag to text my parents, taking a quick mental note that it was almost seven; we would make it just in time for dinner . . . and then bed. But the moment my screen came to life I saw a text from Madeline.
Madeline:Make sure you two set the “rules.” You may have gotten to know him, but all fake relationships need those ground rules.
“Shit. she's right,” I muttered.
“Who’s right?” Elliot asked, his eyes not leaving the road he was unfamiliar with.
“Madeline . . .” I sighed, locking my phone, and leaning my head back on the seat. “She reminded me we should set rules for the relationship.”
Elliot twisted his lips and shook his head. “When does that ever work? I’m going to treat you like I would any girlfriend of mine, and you’re just going to go along with it.”
I dropped my jaw. “Excuse me?”
“Jamie, I will be holding your hands and I will be kissing you and giving you the kind of attention you deserve. I'll wrap my arm around you and pull you close to kiss your temple and I will be mushy and shit in front of your parents.” He stopped. “No rules. They just make things more complicated.”
“Complicated? What about thisisn’tcomplicated?”
“It’s simple. Starting now, I’m your boyfriend and you're my girlfriend. If we add those ‘no touching, no kissing, absolutely no sign that we are a couple’ rules, that will make it complicated and we need to sell to your family that we are indeed a couple. Iwillwant to kiss you, Jamie, and Iwilldo it.”
I pursed my lips and looked out my window. I don't know wherethisElliot has been hiding, but those words rang through my head over and over.
I will want to kiss you . . .
I unlocked my phone again and quickly typed a response to Madeline.
Me:Elliot says no rules, it will only make things more difficult. He’s going to treat me as his girlfriend and I need to accept it.
Madeline:Oh - that's a new approach. Love it though. Keep me updated on how many times he touches you.
I let out a low, uneasy, laugh before swiping back to my mom’s text thread.
Me:We entered Parley's Canyon, Dax is driving safe, and we should be there soon! Just in time for dinner. We. Are. Pooped.
Mom:So glad he’s coming! We’re just double checking to make sure everything is set up for you. Oh! We forgot to ask - is Daxton a vegetarian?
I furrowed my brow. “You’re not a vegetarian, are you?” I asked, not taking my eyes off my phone, still kind of in shock by his forcefulness just minutes before.
Raising an eyebrow, he turned and looked at me. “No, give me all the meat.”
I took my attention back to my moms texts and responded.
Me:No mom, he’s not.
Mom:Ribs for dinner.