Jamie’s smile instantly eased my nerves. Not only about the label, but everything, “I have to be quiet,” she whispered.
“JAMIE!” Bennett replied, so loud that he caught attention from people passing us. Even Chase turned to look at us.
“I’m pretty sure she said we need to be quiet.” I looked over at my friend.
“No, you’re fine.” She moved her hair over, showing me the white earbud. “You can be as loud as you want, I just have to be quiet.”
“When is your painting up?” Bennett squeezed his way into the screen.
Jamie’s gaze went behind the camera, “Mine’s up next. The first one went for fifteen thousand . . . I’m nervous.”
“If one sold for fifteen, yours would go for fifty,” I said, optimistically. I was coming back tome; I could feel it. Just being on the phone with Jamie brought me back to life. I guess I didn’t realize how low I’ve been since setting foot in California.
Jamie let out a soft laugh. “Fifty bucks maybe.”
“Fifty Million.”
Jamie gave the camera a perfect scowl, tilting her head and pursing her lips. If she were in front of me, I’d kiss her with that glare, turning it promptly into a smile.
“Elliot . . . it’s not going to sell for fifty million dollars,” she grumbled.
“It might.”
Shaking her head, she looked back up at the auction that was happening behind the phone. Her eyes went wide and her shoulders slumped. “That one went for twenty thousand.”
“Jamie . . .” Jillian’s voice came from off camera. “Shh, yours is next!”
“Elliot, I’m scared.”
“Tell Harrison to put a bid in for me.”
In the distant background I faintly heard, “Up next is a first time painting, artist Jamie Gaines. Her debut painting won Landscape and got third in Breakthrough—”
“You didn’t tell me that!” I shouted, louder than intended.
“Shhh,” Jamie looked at the camera for a millisecond before her eyes went right back to the stage. A part of me wished she would turn the camera so I could see too. Maybe I could place a bid through FaceTime.
“We will start the bidding off at ten.”
“Ten,” Jamie whispered as she closed her eyes.
“And you said fifty bucks.”
“Shhh.” She shushed me again.
I brought the phone closer to my ear, hoping to hear any announcement on the auction. Bennet leaned in, furrowing his brow at the screen.
“What are you thinking?” he whispered to me.
I shrugged. “Jamie, update.”
“It’s at fifteen.” Her eyes were still closed and I could see a hand rubbing her shoulders, most likely Jillian.
“Fifteen!” I looked over at Bennett.
“Elliot, it just hit twenty.” Jamie slumped in her chair.