Page 111 of That First Moment

Get out of your head.

“Where’s the hotel from here?” I asked, digging in my pockets for my phone.

Bennett looked up, squinting his eyes. Ha. He would want sunglasses too. “I think we’re staying close to the studio. I want to say in a Hilton . . . Maybe a Marriott?”

“Simple, yet fancy.” Chase smiled.

“A Hilton,” the driver answered us. “Two rooms, you’ll enjoy yourself.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “Fancy . . .” I would take that cabin any day now over a fancy hotel.

Opening my phone and switching from airplane mode, I instantly opened Jamie’s text thread.

Me:Landed, and it’s hot.

Less than a second later, those three dots appeared.

Jamie:It’s snowing…

Bennett shoved his hands in his pockets as the driver shut the hatch on the SUV. “That Jamie?”

I nodded, answering her text quickly. Letting her know I’d much rather be in a snowstorm than here in the heat. “It’s snowing in Park City again,” I answered him, mimicking his motion of putting my phone away. As much as my heart was in Utah, he was right, I needed to get my mind here, with them. Even if that meant putting Jamie away for a little bit.

“And it’s gorgeous here.” Chase opened his arms. Jameson shoved him forward, his body flying towards the van.

Jameson laughed as we piled in. My phone dinged in my pocket as I took the front seat, sitting next to the driver. He was more stoic than Jameson was, focused completely on his job: getting us to the hotel.

Jamie:We’re heading to the gallery. I’ll send photos, ok!

Me:Send as many photos as you can and update me on the auction. I lov…

I stopped. She wanted me to wait. She didn’t want to hear it just yet. So I deleted the last four letters and hit send.

We checked into the hotel quickly, Bennett pushing us along as he was more excited to get to the label, even though we didn’t have to be there until morning. I wanted to find food, call Jamie, and talk about the auction. I wanted to play a few songs with the guys in the hotel room to relax and get my mind on what I was here for. But Bennett had convinced the guys we needed to at least find the label and then go out for dinner before returning for a decent night’s sleep.

As promised, we had two rooms, Bennett and I in one, Jameson and Chase across the hall, and before I even got a good look at the room Bennett had pushed us out of the hotel.

I checked my phone again—nothing from Jamie yet.

We found a small food truck on the boardwalk of the beach and settled in the sand.

I raised my phone and took a photo of the water, the sun setting creating that perfect picture to send to Jamie.

Me:I’m tired…

I sent, along with the photo.

Moments later I got a photo of the gallery, packed with Jamie’s painting in the background.

Jamie:I can’t even get to the painting! There’s too many people.

I looked closer at the photo, zooming in to see a white ribbon and a red one hanging next to the painting.

Me:Another ribbon I see? You’ll win both no doubt.

Jamie:Auction is starting.

The three dots still danced, more was coming. They danced, but they stopped, and nothing came. Did she type words she longed to say too—but remembered that they were to come later?