Page 107 of That First Moment

“Yeah, the guys and I meet with the label on Saturday and then Monday we perform for them. We’re hoping for a record deal.”

Jamie hadn’t heard that news yet, so when she lightly touched my chin, pulling it down to her to give me a kiss, I took it as she accepted and was just as excited as I was. My girl.

“That’s amazing. Does Mom know? Does Syd? . . . Dad?”

“Dad wouldn’t care even if I told him.”

“He would. He’s proud of you. Next time I visit I’ll show him the videos I took today. I got one of the new song, and then a few others.”

“You recorded the new song?” Jamie asked, taking a small step forward. “I had FaceTime with Madeline up, so I didn’t. If I give you my number . . .”

“I’ll send it.”

“I need it as a ringtone.” Jamie smiled. “What’s it called?” she asked, looking back up at me.

I gave her a smirk. “It doesn’t have an official title, but I’m thinking of calling itJamie.”

Chapter Forty


Elliot was called back to the stage once everyone had left, so I took a seat with Jacob and Andrea while he cleaned up the stage. Pete had approached him, welcoming him and the band back anytime and, by the sounds of it, they would be returning within the year. That is, if all went well with the label.

My family had left, making sure I was good to get a ride with Elliot first, and then told me they would be ready for us when we got back. They wanted to meet Elliot . . . actuallymeethim as Elliot—not Daxton.

Jacob was easy to talk to, telling me about their family back in Portland and how I would get along with their sister. He was a doctor, focused on an Alzheimer study which sparked his interest after their dad’s diagnosis. He said he was also eager for me to meet their dad and claimed that we would get along great. MeetingElliot’s family never crossed my mind before Jacob had sat across from me. This was supposed to be a three-week and done kind of deal, but now that Elliot had turned into a . . . forever . . . kind of deal, meeting his family was something that would happen soon. And I couldn’t wait.

Elliot and Bennett were singing lyrics to songs as they packed up and wrapped the wires. I could hear the familiar lyrics of the songs they performed tonight, evenT-Shirt.Jacob laughed as he watched his brother.

“You’d never guess that he was close to forty, huh? He acts like he’s twenty.”

“Age is just a number. I have a feeling I’m never going to escape that song though.” I leaned my chin on my fist and just watched. I had never had these feelings for a man the way I had for Elliot. Just watching him created new sparks, new butterflies, that I never wanted to fade.

“Knowing my brother . . .” Jacob chuckled. “. . . never. That’s going to be your theme song.”

We said goodbye to Jacob and Andrea as we all piled up in Elliot’s jeep, with Chase, once again, shoved between the two in the backseat. It was a quick drive, and we only hopped out to give the guys a hug goodbye, congratulated them on the show, and then—finally—it was just Elliot and me. He grasped my hand over the middle console, the warmth of his palm sending chills up my spine. The warmth . . . sending chills, a feeling I would never get used to.

We pulled up to the cabin and instead of going to the main house where I knew everyone was still awake, he pulled me to our balcony and took me in his arms. The snow fell around us as we kissed, completely immersed in each other.

I couldn’t deny it now. Elliot Whittaker held my entire heart.

That night we slept, wrapped in each other. As much as I wanted to do more, I could tell Elliot was exhausted. He fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow, waking only slightly to allow me to cuddleup next to him. His heartbeat was fast, still coming down from the high that was the stage. Or maybe the high from seeing and spending time with his brother? Or maybe a high from simply lying next to me. I knewthatwas what was makingmyheart race.

But we slept surprisingly well for the night, and I woke up to his lips on my neck, his fingers searching my body. We made love, slow and intimate, completely focused on the other. Once our heart rates and breathing had returned to normal, he kissed me, humming against my lips. We showered, teasing each other more. Almost as if we didn’t have any more time, like I wouldn’t see him again in five days and that this time with him was coming to an end. In the back of my head, I knew it wasn’t true, but I wanted—needed—to feel closer to him, and I knew he felt the same.

His flight to California was at three, giving us just enough time to go have brunch with my family and pick up the guys. On our way over to the main house, Elliot grasped my hand, looking at the snow-covered trees, the family of snowmen, and the forts used for snowball fights.

“I think we need to come here next year,” he said softly.

“Well . . .” I brushed my hair behind my ear and took a step closer to him, bumping into his shoulder as we walked. “Lucky for you, we come back every. Single. Year.”

“If you’ll have me, I’d love to come back.”

“Oh . . . I’ll have you.” I took a step ahead of him, still holding his hand but turning to face him, walking backwards.

The corner of his lips raised, giving me a cocky smirk that I had grown to love. One that made my knees weak.

“When’s the auction?” he asked softly.