“He volunteered as tribute!” Jillian raised a fist in the air.
“Don’t make it weird,” I grumbled.
“Oh Jamie, it’s already weird.” My mom rubbed my shoulder. “We adore him, but can we call him Elliot now?”
“He’d like that.”
Hearing my family call Elliot by his real name on the drive to the bar, made all the difference in the world. Made it more . . . real . . . if that was even possible. The illusion of Daxton was erased, and the reality of Elliot became common knowledge—no longer a secret I had to keep.
The Cabin was already packed when we got there, but the table Pete promised was there waiting for us. My parents took their seats first, my siblings slipping in next to them. I stayed standing, looking around hoping to catch a glimpse of Elliot before the show. I hated to admit that I never saw him getting ready for a show, I wasn’t sure what his routine was or if he did anything for luck. A part of me, a very large part, wanted to hunt him down and kiss him good luck. I knew he didn’t need it, but maybe he wanted it.
But he was nowhere to be found.
We sat impatiently as the clock ticked closer and closer to when Savaged Whittakers would take the stage, and there was still no sign of Elliot. I glanced at my phone, seeing a text from Madeline (FaceTime when the show starts! Milo and I want to watch!),and one from Ophelia (Promise me I get to design your wedding dress – I already have the perfect design picked out),and, thankfully, one from Elliot.
Elliot:I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous for a show before.
I quickly responded.
Me:Well come out from wherever you’re hiding, and I’ll give you a kiss for good luck.
And just as I hit that blue arrow, the lights dimmed. Harrison began clapping loudly and my parents got situated in their seats.People began to cheer and clap, moving from their tables close to the stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” I heard over a speaker—the voice of Pete—one I had grown to recognize. “It’s my pleasure to introduce to you a band from Portland, Oregon. Please help me in welcoming, Savaged Whittakers!” He drew out their name, hyping up the crowd more and more. It even created butterflies inmystomach.
There was a cheer, a few claps, and once the spotlights hit the stage—Chase’s drum set showing the most perfect SW above a guitar—the crowd’s cheers got louder. Jameson came out first, giving the crowd a soft wave, then Chase, who rushed to his drum set, his sticks already flying through his fingers. Bennett and Elliot came out last, with Bennett reaching his microphone before Elliot. I watched Elliot nod to Chase and then, once the guitar started, my stomach grew knots. The butterflies fluttered up higher, making my heart beat faster and faster and once he finally turned to face the microphone, looking sexier than I’d ever seen him, I was able to breathe.
I knew the song they started with, it was one of Madeline’s favorites.Like It’s The Last Timeby, none other than, Thomas Rhett.
I loved watching Elliot play, the way he would move with the music and the way the words flowed from him effortlessly. He said he was nervous, but it didn’t show. He exuded confidence. Just his body language alone showed pride and excitement, and the crowd could see it. I remembered seeing him the few times I went to the Piano Bar, and the performance at Madeline’s wedding. I thought he was good there, but those shows had nothing on this.
If only that label agent was here to see this.
I snapped back to reality after the song was over, pulling my phone out to FaceTime Madeline. I turned the camera to him, not even saying hello to her once she answered.
“Jamie!” my mom shouted. “I really can’t believe that’s him singing.”
I scrunched my nose and turned back to Elliot.
“Helllllll-o Park City,” he said into the mic, his voice carrying over the cheers. “I promise that’s only one of the few covers you’ll hear from us tonight, the majority of our set tonight is going to be one hundred percent ours and we can’t wait. But before we begin, let me introduce the band. To my left is Jameson, the amazing bassist and keyboardist that hates to sing, even though I force him to. Behind me is Chase, the baby drummer who joined us unwillingly. Bennett is off to my right, he’s the one who keeps me on my toes and I . . .” Elliot searched the crowd, nothing but silence coming from him as he looked for me.
Our eyes met faster than I expected. I stood and shouted, “Elliot Whittaker!!” Cupping my hands around my lips to create a louder sound. People turned to look at me, but my focus was on Elliot as his smile grew.
“Well, I’m Elliot Whittaker, lead singer and that amazing woman’s boyfriend.” He pointed at me, giving me a wink before returning his hands to his guitar. “My goal is to give you guys a good time, so without further ado . . .” He turned and nodded to Bennett. “I do love it when you guys get up and dance.”
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Ibelonged on the stage.
Nothing compared to this, knowing my band was with me, and my fingers were on the guitar strings with my lips against the mic—the spotlight on us. That was normally my favorite part, the lights. But tonight, the part that kept me going was knowing Jamie’s eyes were on me.
I was on top of the world.
I made sure to constantly keep her gaze, using her to keep me steady. I knew where Jacob was in the crowd, he was hard to miss, but I chose to ignore him. If I even thought about him being here, my entire groove would be thrown off. Just like at the wedding, when I was more focused on a certain female who was standing alone . . . but this time it was that exact same female who helped me lock onto this moment.
There was no doubt in my mind that I was in love with Jamie Gaines. She was everything to me and I couldn’t wait to tell her that simple fact. Before the show I had texted Milo, letting him know that I officially joined the “dark side” when it came to falling in love. I got a FaceTime back, involving Clay of course, of the two of them acting like teenage girls over a crush. Even Madeline was in the background putting in her two cents.