“Sounds great,” I spoke into the mic. “Jameson I need your amp turned up just a tad, and Bennett, yours needs lowered. Chase, adjust the mic near your footing . . .”
“Daxton,” Pete’s voice came from behind me, forcing me to stop directing Chase and go to the edge of the stage. “Sounds great, but you . . .” he smiled at me, “have a visitor.”
My first thought went right to Jamie. Even though she had said she would see me tonight, the fact that she was constantly on my mind—wishing she was here, I had hoped she was feeling the same.
“My girl?” I asked, that glimmer of hope.
Pete chuckled. “No, sorry to tell ya. It’s a man. Your brother?”
My back stiffened and I stood straight, ice flooding my entire body. Jacob? Jacob was here? I looked over at Bennett and let out a puff of air. “Make those tweaks . . .”
“Yeah, we got it, you go see what’s up.” Bennett nodded towards the bar top.
I followed his nod, catching sight of Jacob right away. He leaned on the bar top, his legs crossed as if he had been standing there for longer than anticipated. I could see the annoyance on his face as he watched. I lifted my guitar over my shoulder and set it on the stand, jumping off the small stage. I shoved my hands in my jeans pockets and slowly made my way towards my brother. What I didn’t expect to see was Jacob, standing there, with a smile on his face.
“Sounds good,” he said once I was in ear shot.
I clenched my teeth, trying to force myself to form the words, any words at the point, that wouldn’t end up becoming a fight between Jacob and I.
I cleared my throat and settled with, “What are you doing here?”
He took a deep breath, shoving himself off the bar top, “Well, you told me you were playing, so I figured I may as well come out and see what you do up there.”
“So you flew to Park City . . . even though I’ve played in Portland millions of times – you decided to come to Utah to watch me play instead of just watching me at home?” I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.
Jacob didn’t respond. He blinked, gave me a nod and looked at the floor. “Dad was lucid.”
“What?” I asked, shocked by the change in subject.
He met my gaze. “Yeah, a few days ago. Right after we spoke on the phone.”
“You could have called. You didn’t need to fly out here to tell me that.”
He shrugged. “He asked about you. When mom told him you were making moves to sell the company . . . he, uh . . .” he trailed off, kicking his feet, and mimicking my stance as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“He was mad?” I filled in the blanks. I may have taken that moment between us as him giving me his blessing, but I could have been wrong. Honestly, I probably was.
Jacob however, stopped my train of thought.. “No. He said he was shocked you didn’t sell it sooner. Mom played him a few songs—songs I hadn’t heard before—and then pulled up a YouTube video of you guys performing at the Piano Bar. He seemed . . . impressed.”
I raised my eyebrows. “What?”
“Yeah, we all were. So . . . dad and I talked. We want this for you Elliot, we want you to follow . . .” he waved his hand around, “this, wherever it may take you.”
“You mean that?”
Jacob nodded. “Yeah. Of course, I do. I looked up your site the next day and saw this listed as a show. Andrea and I bought tickets and here we are. She’s excited for a few nights away from the kids, and I’m excited to see my little brother play.”
“You’re serious? One hundred percent serious?”
He let out a chuckle and nodded his head. “Yeah, Elliot. I know I haven’t given you the best reason to believe me, but really. Watching your band online and even that sound check . . . that’s where you belong.”
Relaxing my shoulders for the first time since I laid eyes on my brother, I turned back to the stage. Bennett still has his guitar on his shoulders, Chase was flipping a stick between his fingers, and Jameson was strumming a few chords.
“They seem like fun guys,” Jacob added.
“Want to meet them?” I asked, turning back to him.
He smiled. “I’d love to. That is, if they don’t hate me.”