I chuckled and looked over at everyone in the entrance, still removing their snow gear, “Well then, he will really, really like Elliot. Seeing as they are the exact same person.”
“I even heard him talking to Mom,” her voice lowered as she leaned into me. “He’s interested in Elliot’s company.”
“How? He doesn’t know much about it?”
“I guess Elliot told him more than we know, I think Dad wants to buy it.”
I dropped my jaw. “But he’s retired.”
Raising her shoulders only to drop them quickly, she smiled. “Doesn’t seem that way.”
I furrowed my brow, taking yet another quick glance at dad. “You don’t think that will change once he finds out he’s not really my boyfriend, will it?”
Jillian pinched her brow, her eyes piercing in me. “If he’s not your boyfriend then I’m not Killian and Phillip’s mom.”
Wednesday came faster than I wanted it to, the days got busier as the time in Park City came to a close. We spent another night in the bar, one that Elliot picked after taking the day skiing and teaching Dustin more guitar. We walked Main Street again with the entire family, stopping in the Chocolate Factory once more, and getting the best pizza in town. It snowed—of course it did. This had been the most snow I had seen in a long time, and I loved grabbing Elliot’s hand to pull him close to me for a kiss. Romantic kisses in the snow, what could be better?
My painting officially had an auction number next to it. Now that I saw it, it felt official. It already had a white ribbon next to it, labeling it as one of the most visited entries in the festival. I still couldn’t believe it—my painting was hanging on a wall in Park City, Utah, in a high-end gallery, with that fancy white ribbon next to it. Elliot made sure to take a photo, keeping the group chat going. It was officially labeled “All of Us.”
Madeline:I love this so much!!
Ophelia:How much are we going to bet that goes for!? I say two million!!
Clay:More than that Phe.
Milo:I still want it above our fireplace.
Elliot:Back off, it’s mine.
Me:Technically it’s no one’s until someone bids on it Saturday night.
Elliot:Wrong. Mine.
I chuckled, loving the fact that, even though Elliot was right next to me, he was texting the group, laying claim to my painting. With the look he was giving me I knew it was more than the painting he was laying claim to.
Wednesday afternoon, Elliot and I traveled to the Salt Lake City Airport to pick up Bennet, Jameson, and Chase, and all of their instruments. I felt terrible with the fact that they all had to cram in the backseat of Elliot’s Jeep, but with how little Chase was, he didn’t seem too terribly uncomfortable. I twisted my body to face Elliot as he drove, allowing myself to see the boys in the backseat. I had seen them plenty of times before, but never up close like this.
Bennett had dark brown hair that was shaggier than I remember it being, and a decent build with bright blue eyes. Jameson was stoic as he looked at his phone, most likely telling his girlfriend that he arrived safely. He had short, buzzed black hair and a strong jawline. He was intimidating, that was for sure. And then there was Chase, with shaggy blonde hair and a scrawny build—the exact opposite of the two next to him.
“You guys must be excited to play?” I asked, breaking the silence.
“In Park City? You bet! I can’t wait for you to hear—”
“The set list,” Elliot interrupted, looking back at Bennett in the rearview mirror. “The set list, right?”
Bennett chuckled. “Yeah, of course. We got a great line up.”
“Really?” I smiled and looked at Bennett. “What am I going to hear?”
“Nope.” Elliot shook his head. “You’ll find out at the gig. Are you guys coming to the Christmas shindig? Or am I taking you directly to the hotel? Just remember . . .”
“We know, you’re Daxton,” Jameson mumbled.
He speaks!My jaw dropped slightly as I stopped myself from shouting that out loud, although Elliot saw my reaction and chuckled softly.
Elliot gave a slight nod. “Until you’re told otherwise, yes, I’m Daxton. But . . . hotel or cabin?”
“My mom already invited them to dinner tonight, and they wouldn’t be imposing on Christmas.” I looked at Elliot, tempted to reach my hand over to touch his arm, but refrained. I wasn’t sure how much the guys knew about our relationship, so I didn’t want to press the matter. Hell, I was still unsure as to exactly what we were. All I knew is we were going to define it before we got back to Portland.