“So, in other words,” Jillian said as she came up to us, “your fake boyfriend is ditching you.”
“That’s fine, he can go be boring. More hot chocolate for us.” Jamie pushed herself away and grabbed onto her nephews shoulders. “Go and be boring, Mr. Music Man.”
I shoved my hands in my pockets and watched the two sisters head towards the main cabin. “If only I had my rockstar to inspire me,” I called.
Jamie spun and narrowed her eyes at me. “Please don’t . . .”
“See you soon, Rockstar.”
“Rockstar?” Jillian stopped and looked over her shoulder at me, only to be stopped by Jamie, pushing her forward up the steps.
“Just ignore him. He’s got music on the brain,” Jamie grumbled, giving me one final wave before the door closed behind them.
Music and Jamie, the two things that consumed me.
Chapter Thirty-Two
“Will wants another baby.” Jillian said, out of the blue. We had moved to our cabin once the hot chocolate was gone and the fire had failed to keep us warm, and Jillian had taken over the armchair that Elliot normally played his guitar in while I painted. He was downstairs, his light strumming filling the entire cabin, but Jillian’s words were able to drown them out in an instant.
I looked up at my sister from the canvas, lingering only a moment before dipping my brush in the water. The yellow paint had stained my fingers and my white t-shirt was covered in brown and black. I wiped my hands on my stomach and sighed. “I thought you weredone after the twins?”
“I thought so too, but Will really wants another. He keeps saying this time it would be a girl, and nothing would change in our lives,” she said softly, pulling at thread from her sweater.
“Everythingwould change,” I corrected her.
“Well, I mean with jobs and the house and . . . all of that adulty stuff.” She waved her hand around in the air.
“Adulty stuff,” I repeated, grabbing my paint brush in the cup of water and swirling it around.
“I think he was kind of hoping this trip would ignite something. It’s hard sharing a cabin with Holden and Carrie because, well, you know they are trying for number four, so Will is thinking we could try for number three.”
“Remember earlier when you said there were some things you didn’t need to know?” I raised my eyebrows and looked over at her.
“That was between you and Elliot. I don’t need to know you and your fake boyfriend are using this as your sex cabin.” She raised an eyebrow at me.
“We’re not using it as our sex cabin. He’s been sleeping on the couch,” I lied, avoiding looking at her as I attempted to concentrate on the painting.
She let out aMmm Hmm. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
I heaved a sigh, choosing my words wisely, when in fact, he had been sleeping in the bed with me ever since our first night together. I didn’t want him back on that couch. “He moves wheneversomeonedecides to randomly stop by.”
“Who’s stopped by?”
“You,” Elliot and I said together. His voice was faint, but loud enough that we heard it, and both of us broke out in laughter.
“Jilly, I’m serious. You know how I feel about sex, and I’m not one to just go sleeping with random guys, but if you and Will really want to make that cabin your sex cabin”—I used my brush to point toward the main cabin—“just let me know so I don’t come barging in.”
“We’re not. We have five kids, Holden, and Carrie under the same roof, and the walls are thin. Plus, I don’t know if I wantanother baby. In all honesty, Will and I haven’t even touched each other since coming here.” She sighed.
“Make it special, don’t just have sex to have sex.”
“Oh, and do you thinkmaking lovewill help Will get me pregnant?”
“Probably. Sex and making love are two different things. Sex is just a roll in the hay, having fun, doesn’t matter who you're doing it with. Making love is . . . well, making love. You care for the person, and you want to be with that person, so you give that person your all. Your body, your heart, your mind—every piece of you. And if they love you back, then you’re making love. It takes a certain person to want to make love with, and not just have fun.” I stroked the paintbrush on the canvas, filling in the small void that caught my eye.
“So, what are we doing then?” Elliot’s voice carried up to the loft. I didn’t even notice the music had stopped. I looked over at Jillian whose jaw had dropped. We were both frozen, and I found myself completely unable to answer the question in front of my sister.