Jillian laughed, rubbing her husband's bicep as she settled into her seat some more. “As much fun as that sounds, I need a night free of kids and phone calls from work. There have been way too many of those, this trip, and I am so ready for this night.”
“That's why you need to just ditch that way of life, Jilly, and travel,” Harrison said simply, his eyes roaming the crowd that had gathered in after us.
Jillian laughed. “No, thank you, Harry. I do love my job, my home, my family—the stability of it.” Jillian’s words were meant to stab him like a knife, instead Harrison just laughed.
“And I love the adventure that my life offers. Holden would agree. Wouldn’t you Holden.” Harrison tipped his beer towards our older brother.
“Don’t pull me into this.” Holden shook his head at Harrison, leaning back in his chair, his arm draped around Carrie's shoulders.
I smirked. There was no doubt that Holden picked up that move from Elliot. Sure, it was a move that men have done for years, but it had become something I expected from Elliot when he sat next to me. And to see my brother mimic him made me laugh inside. Elliot was leaning forward, his arms folded on the table as he watched my brothers talk, Will popping in every now and then. Once the lights dimmed and a man came on the small stage, the table quieted down and Elliot relaxed back in the seat, rolling the sleeves up on his shirt.
My eyes caught his tattoo right before he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Did you know they were doing karaoke tonight?” Elliot asked as the announcer began to talk about how the night would go and the massive selection of songs they had available.
I gave him a cheeky grin. “We always come on karaoke night, or live band night.”
“Ooo . . . live bands?” Elliot’s interest peaked.
“I think there is one later this week.” Holden leaned forward, catching Elliot’s attention, “We should try to get tickets. Carrie and I love coming to the shows.”
Elliot raised his eyebrows, and I could tell he was doing his best to keep his love for the stage in. He was the one who said we would keep that under wraps, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t secretly hoping he’d get on the stage and sing something stupid for karaoke night.
“That sounds great, Holden. What do you think, Jamie? Wanna see if we can go to a show?” Elliot looked over at me, his eyebrows still so high they were almost at his hairline.
I pursed my lips and nodded to him.
“Daxton.” Jillian furrowed her brow and reached an arm across the table. “Is that a tattoo?” She grabbed Elliots arm and pulled it forward, revealing the guitar on his forearm. “A guitar?”
Elliot let out a breathy chuckle. “Yea, I used to play.”
“Used to?” I added, “He still does.”
From the corner of my eye, I saw Elliot tilt his body and look at me, pulling his arm back under the table. I kept my eyes on Jillian as I took a sip of my drink.
“You do? Jamie why didn't you mention that?”
“He doesn’t like to talk about it. He has an amazing voice, too.”
“You should sing karaoke!” Jillian screamed across the table to Elliot.
I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to say yes. He wanted to jump up and grab a guitar and just start singing. He didn’t need his band to put on one hell of a show.
“I don't need to sing karaoke,” was his simple, monotone response.
I rolled my eyes at him, accepting—but not liking—his answer. I wanted him to let loose. Be that real Elliot that I found myself paying more and more attention to. He pulled out his phone and chuckled, typing a quick response to a text before placing it face up on the table. Holden and Harrison started singing along withwhoever was performing, terribly might I add, and all I could think of was how I could get Elliot on that stage.
If only I had Bennett’s number . . . maybe, he would be able to convince him.
Elliot’s phone lit up and he instantly picked it up, laughing once again before typing out his response.
“And who are you texting?” I leaned in and asked, instantly regretting becomingthatgirlfriend.
“Ha, you’ll like this.” He opened his phone, sliding it over in front of me. It was a group chart between him, Milo, and Clay, and it instantly made my stomach flip.
Elliot:There’s karaoke at the bar tonight - I think Jamie planned this.
“I totally did,” I said, before reading the rest of the chat.