Page 43 of That First Moment

Bennett:Can you imagine playing there?

Chapter Sixteen


The Moose Cafe was on the complete opposite side of Park City compared to where we were staying. We had to take three separate cars just to get there for our reservation. Harrison opted to ride with us, while Mom and Dad split up between Holden and Jillian’s vehicles. The fifteen-minute drive was interesting listening to Elliot and Harrison talk about the places they had both traveled. I wasn’t aware that Elliot had been around so much, but I guess it made sense with his band. However, not once in the conversation did he mention the band.

I wasn’t sure if I should mention them, or if we were pretending he wasn’t the face ofSavaged Whittakers. I raked my teeth on my bottom lip, regretting the fact that we didn't come up with our backstory, or even what to say when my family inevitably asked whatDaxtondid for a living.Elliotowns an architecturalfirm by day, and sings in a band by night. But I’m not sure what he wants me to say to my family.

We pulled off the freeway, taking a left turn into Summit Park where the small cafe resided. I pulled my phone from my pocket and typed a quick text to Elliot.

Me:Do I tell my family about your band…or??

I heard his phone ding, muffled by his coat pocket. Hopefully, the man would check it before we sat down and ordered breakfast.

We parked next to my sister, and my nephews were the first to jump out of the van, followed by my mom. Elliot unbuckled and situated himself before opening the car door and jumping out. He nodded to my parents and walked around to my door, opening it for me and extending his hand. With a light chuckle, I took his hand and let him guide me into the cafe.

“Aren’t you going to check the text you got?” I whispered, stepping a bit closer to him.

Elliot scoffed. “Nah, it’s probably just Milo or Clay. The group chat has been blowing up all morning. I’ll silence it before we sit down.”

“You should probably check your text,” I reiterated.

“Ah.” he laughed, catching on. “My girlfriend sent me a secret text, did she?”

“I . . .” I stumbled. “I . . . what . . . no. I just . . .”

“Jamie.” Elliot squeezed my hand. “I’ll read it.”

“Thank you,” I said under my breath.

“Looks like we have the cafe to ourselves this morning,” my dad called as he opened the door. He held it open for everyone, my siblings and their families crowding in first. Elliot gave my dad a smile and nod as he passed him. “Morning, Daxton.”

“Good morning, Sir,” Elliot replied.


The long table took up the entire restaurant, and even though my dad claimed we had it to ourselves, there were some localsenjoying their meal. Jillian instantly took her kids aside and reminded them we were in public, while Holden and his wife each took a seat between their three kids, splitting them up. Elliot pulled my chair out for me, waiting for me to sit before removing his jacket and sitting himself. I looked at him, raising my eyebrows, trying to send him a telepathic message to check his damn phone.

“Oh, right.” He wiggled his eyebrows as he reached for his phone. He silenced it, and then quickly read my message. Once his phone was back in his coat pocket, he looked at me and shook his head slightly, giving his nose a good scrunch.

Okay, no band.

Once the waitress came and took our drink orders, the conversation started flowing. My mom focused her attention on her grandchildren, doting on her only granddaughter—Danielle was seven and welcomed the attention. Holden and his wife, Carrie, were coloring on the kids’ menus with their two boys, Dustin and Dane. Dustin, being eleven, seemed more interested in the Nintendo Switch that he was forced to leave in the van. He sat with his arms folded as Holden tried to get him to play the game where you create squares with dots. Killian and Phillip were engrossed with their menu of games while Jillian and Will were busy reading the menus.

“We always get the pancakes and sausage. I don't know why you’re looking at the menu,” I said across the table, not even lifting my menu up.

Will raised his eyes up at me. “Maybe I wanted an omelet today, they seemed pretty good.”

“I think I’m going to try the Cowboy Omelet,” Elliot said, looking at his menu with extreme concentration.

Will dropped his menu and looked across the table at Elliot. “That sounds amazing.”

Elliot raised a single eyebrow and looked up at Will. “It’s right here. Ham, green and red bell pepper, onion, four eggs, and cheddar jack cheese. I wonder if I can add any ingredients to it?”

“What would you add?” I asked, looking at Elliot as his brows pinched.

“Jalapenos.” Elliot’s eyes met mine. He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.