I could feel her shudder. Her hair flipped as she turned back to me, giving me the fakest smile I had ever seen in my entire life. I bit the inside of my lip to stop myself from laughing.
“That's great,” she mumbled.
After saying goodnight to everyone—Janet giving me another hug, Mr. Gaines giving me another handshake—Jamie and I grabbed our suitcases and the painting and made our way to the small cabin that sat off to the right. Janet had given me the key, and I fumbled trying to unlock the door, opening it to pure darkness.
“The light is off to the left,” Jamie said softly, a hint of hesitation in her voice.
The lights were soft as they brought the house to life. A fireplace sat in the middle, a staircase going up to a loft behind the fireplace. A leather sofa and a few leather armchairs sat in the middle of the living room, and behind me, a large kitchen that, thank the Lord, had a coffee maker on the counter.
“Oh look,” I broke the silence, “I can sleep on the couch.”
Jamie heaved a sigh and rolled her eyes. “It’s probably better than the floor in the main cabin, I never mentioned that it was hardwood floor.”
“If I recall correctly, Ryan Reynolds sleeps on a hardwood floor, it would have been good for my back.”
“Oh right, cause you’re old.” Jamie let out a joke, which only made my eyebrows raise.
“Yea, about that.” I set my suitcase down behind the couch and turned to her. She gently placed the canvas up against the wall in the kitchen, making sure the fabric covering it was protecting it from the hardwood floor. “Did you tell your family how old I was?”
Furrowing her brow and shaking her head, Jamie stood up and crossed her arms in front of her. “I didn’t think it was important. Why?”
“Well obviously I look my age—”
She laughed. “You do not look forty.”
“Thirty-six, and yes . . . I really do, especially standing next to you, and I think your dad noticed.”
She scoffed, turning her back to me and walking into the kitchen. She knew this place, I could tell as she moved toward the exact cabinet for two glasses that she then filled with water.“We’ll need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I know my mom packed food and has meals planned, but we can get snacks and such.” She took a long drink, handing me the second glass.
“Jamie,” I persisted, “your father is not keen on the fact I’m older than you.”
“I told you he was going to be harder to crack. But my mom seems to love you, so you have that going for you.”
I rubbed my face with my palms, a long sigh coming from my lungs. I needed sleep.
“Okay, listen.” Jamie’s voice got closer to me as she grabbed my wrist, pulling it down from my face. “We can sleep in tomorrow, but my parents will want to go to breakfast at the Moose Cafe. You can talk your way into my dad’s heart tomorrow morning.”
I tilted my head, narrowing my eyes at her and parting my lips to say the comment on the tip of my tongue.He’s not the one who’s heart I want to find my way into.But thought better of it. Jamie didn’t need—correction—Jamie didn’twantthat.
I nodded, still enjoying the feeling of her fingers against my forearm.
Nodding towards the staircase she dropped her hand. “The bathroom is upstairs. I'll grab you a few blankets from the linen closet if you want to get some rest.”
She was still standing close to me, and even though the skin contact had faded, she remained where she was. I gave her, yet again, another nod, words seeming to fly out of my brain whenever I looked at her. Acting on boyfriend instincts, I leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead. I felt her freeze once my lips hit her skin, and then I left her standing there, making my way up the staircase to the bathroom.
Jamie let out a small cough. “Um, watch the top step. It’s a little further away from the floor. Jillian called it the demon stair.”
I chuckled and watched my feet, coming up to the “demon stair” just as she predicted. “I’m pretty sure if one of us walks down these steps at night we will fall to our death,” I said before I turned and went into the bathroom.
I woke to the smell of coffee filling the small cabin. The Folgers commercial jingle rang in my head as I willed myself to sit up on the leather sofa, which was surprisingly more comfortable than I thought it would be. Draping my arm around the back of the couch I watched as Jamie moved flawlessly through the kitchen. She wore a light, cotton blue robe, her long blonde hair in a messy bun, flyaway’s dancing around her ears as she moved.
“Morning!” I pulled myself to a standing position, picking up the blanket to fold it, before draping it over the couch. I grabbed my pillow and tossed it up to the loft, watching it clear the banister and land with a plop. I assumed her family would have no reservations about coming in unannounced, so I had to make sure it looked like I wasn’t sleeping on the couch.
“Good morn—” Jamie turned and stopped. “—ing,” she finished.
I gave her a smirk, not realizing what state she would find me in. I didn’t sleep in pajamas, just my boxers. I lived alone, so itnever phased me, but seeing Jamie’s cheeks blush as she caught a glance, quickly turning back to the coffee mug, made me very aware that I was practically naked, standing in the middle of the living room.
I bit the inside of my cheek to stop from saying something completely stupid before turning to walk up the stairs.