I passed Jameson on the way up, stopping to give him a quick hug, as he promised me he’d be back before they had time to miss him. Chase was in the lounge, laid out on the couch with his trusty drumsticks on his stomach. He had an arm over his eyes and his breathing was deep, no doubt getting in his final nap before theshow. Bennett had left the dressing room, wiggling his eyebrows at me before he gave me a quick hug.
“Good luck in there,” he whispered.
“Good luck to me?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows at him.
He wiggled his eyebrows again and turned his back.
I opened the dressing room and saw Elliot standing in the middle of the room, his acoustic guitar on his back and his hands in his pockets. Behind him sat the small guitar I had painted in Park City. It came to every show and always brought a smile to my face.
“Why is Bennett telling me good luck?” I looked at him as I shut the door to the dressing room.
He raised his eyebrows. “Because he knows what's coming.”
My heart rate picked up. I think I knew what was coming too.
“I know it hasn’t been two years yet, but . . . I couldn’t think of a better way to do this. I love you, Jamie.” He took a step towards me, pulling his hands out of his pants, his right hand still in a fist. I began to move my leg, nerves shooting through me. He was doing this . . .
“I love you so much, Jamie Gaines, more than anything in the entire world. I couldn’t have gotten through this past year without you and now that we’re literally where it all began . . .”
“Yes.” I stopped him, taking a step towards him, trying to keep in the tears that I knew were coming.
“I didn’t even ask it yet.”
“Okay, okay, okay . . . ask.” I waved my hands in the air, closing my eyes, allowing a few tears to fall. “But my answer is yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”
He laughed and dropped his head, sighing before he lifted his head and looked at me through his eyelashes. He waited for my breathing to slow and my hands to stop waving around. Then he simply said, “Can I ask now?”
“Marry me, Jamie Gaines?” He opened his right hand to reveal the most perfect, simple, princess cut ring. His eyes never left me as I looked from the ring to him.
“Can I answer now?” I asked, parroting him.
“Yes.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Yes, yes, yes, yes.” I kissed him, the idea of Elliot being my fiancé filling my entire soul as he pulled away to slip the ring on my finger. The perfect fit. Tears began to well in my eyes as Elliot kissed my forehead.
Clearing my throat, I blinked, “Are you ready for this show?” I asked, my forehead pressed against him. “Hate to break it to you but I don’t think you can top this moment for me no matter what you sing.”
Elliot laughed as he nodded. “Is Milo here? Clay?”
“They should be, Jacob and Sydney are.” I gasped. “Do they know?”
He laughed. “Jacob did, but you get to tell the others.” He kissed my nose. “What should we sing first?”
I loved this new tradition we had developed over the past year, the guys always let me choose the opening song. “The one that makes you think of me,” I whispered, stopping myself from kissing him again. I had my entire life to kiss him, I could skip one. “I love you, Elliot.” I ran my hands down his chest and took a step back. “See you on the stage.”
I floated down the stairs, passing Bennett one last time, and giving him a longer hug as he whispered congratulations in my ear. Then I skipped to the table, where my excitement picked up even more when I saw my four best friends sitting at the table.
“Jamie!” Ophelia shouted, standing up from the table to bring me into her arms. “How is he? Nervous?”
“This is Elliot you’re talking about. That man has only been nervous once in his entire life.”
Clay let out a loud laugh. “Yeah, when he was trying to land you.”
I looked over at Clay. He had cut his long brown hair, his beard fuller than before, but still handsome as ever. “Nice to see you too, Clay,” I grumbled, pulling him in for a hug.
“Jamie . . .” Madeline’s voice caught me, and I turned to look at my friend. “Is that what I think it is . . .” She reached for my left hand, pulling it closer to look at my new ring. “Jamie!”