Page 67 of That Right Moment

Milo opened a portfolio. “I have my pay stubs, renter’s lease, bank statements, and child support payment receipts. Anything else?”

“No that’s perfect. Do you have proof of when she contacted you?”

“Just the texts from before.” Milo slid the portfolio under his arm and reached out for my hand behind him. I grabbed it, just wanting to feel his warmth.

“Ok, we need to know the exact day you were told.”

“Not a problem.” He turned and gave me a hug, and then we turned to make our way into the building. I took my seat next to the door and opened my book, completely ignoring the fact that Hannah passed me, a stomp in her step and a disapproving sigh that was louder than it should have been. I gave Milo a reassuring grin and listened for the door to shut, instantly hearing Donald’s voice boom over everyone’s. “We requested she not be here.”

I did my best to ignore them, focusing my brain on the words on the page, but eventually I resorted to people watching. Men in suits and women carrying briefcases, families with small kids tagging along, stuffed animals under their arms. My thoughts went to Holly. I hoped she was okay during all of this.

I remembered when she was born, how Milo let me spoil her. I would always bring her a book or a small stuffie. I babysat while he and Hannah went on dates. She was such a sweet baby who eventually turned into the sweet eight-year-old who gave lessons on how to properly playAnimal Crossingor even taught us how to love. Holly was a little girl I still wanted in my life. One that could give me sunshine when I couldn’t give it to myself.

Closing my eyes and book, I said a silent prayer to whoever would listen.Please, no matter what, let Holly be happy. Don’t let her feel like the cause of all of this. Let her know she is loved…

My mind was brought back to life what seemed like a second later. Hannah and Donald left the room first with their lawyer, and Milo and Richard appeared moments later. I glanced at my watch, noticing I had been by myself for almost an hour and a half.

I looked up at Milo, meeting his gaze after noticing the crooked smirk on his lips.

“How did it go?” I asked, slipping my book into the sleeve and back into my purse.

“You went to Hannah’s house?” he mumbled, the smirk on his lips only growing. Behind him, Richard shook his head, rubbing his temple.

I clenched my teeth and prepared for a lecture. Instead, Milo just laughed.

“She really made me mad…” I whimpered.

“Let’s just…” Richard dropped his hand and looked at me. “Go through me next time, okay?”

Milo took a seat next to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, sweetly kissing my temple. I leaned into him and watched Richard.

“Okay, I’m sorry,” I mumbled.

Milo’s laugh was muffled into my hair. “I think it’s hilarious,”

“I didn't say anything pressing… She's the one who got the last words.”

Richard shook his head. “Just…”

“I know. I’ll keep quiet.”

He gave me a nod and then left Milo and me on the bench. “I’ll be in touch. Okay, Milo? Enjoy your vacation…”

“Bye, Richard. Thank you.” Milo waved, a slight chuckle in his voice.

“I didn't get you in trouble, did I?” I asked Milo once Richard was out of ear shot. He stood, grabbing my hand to pull me off the bench. Our fingers laced together as we walked, and shivers went up my arm as his thumb rubbed against my hand.

“No, thankfully, since nothing was really said. I just think it's sweet you went to defend me.”

“I was really mad…” I mumbled. He just shook his head and watched our feet, reaching the front doors to the courthouse. He held it open with his arm, allowing me to step through first. “What happened today?”

He let out a groan. “Not much. We talked about weekends and holidays, setting up a schedule for whoever gets custody during the school year.”

“No finalizing it?”

“Nope. Richard is certain we’ll go in front of a judge. We aren’t getting anywhere. We’ll know more once we get back from Depoe Bay and before school starts. We’ll be registering her for both schools—just to be cautious.”

I squeezed his hand. “What does Holly want?” I asked, a lump in my throat as I asked.