Page 87 of That Right Moment

Richard suggested I write a statement, one to give to in front of the judge. I opened a Word document on my computer and started writing. In reality, this could be solved with one simple task, but for me, more weighed on it. More reasonings I couldn’t explain. I typed, trying to find the words I couldn’t say aloud, the ones that could make or break it for me. As I wrote, I noticed the stress and chaos that would normally be there was fading as my fight became clear in my head. This was more to me than what city Holly—or myself—lived in, and I would never let that go. I may settle, but I wouldn’t lose. No matter what happened, all I needed was Holly and Madeline. With them, I was whole, and no matter what the Judge decided, it would be okay.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Before I knew it, Milo had a court date. I left work at lunch and dashed down the stairs of the office to see Milo waiting for me at the bottom, looking as if he was heading up to get me. Our hands instantly met, and we tried to calmly walk to his truck. This time, heading to the courthouse was a little daunting, and Milo was insistent I be in there. He had prepared a statement, one he was rather proud of. Knowing he had to read it in front of the judge, knowing that Hannah most likely had prepared one as well—the nerves were getting to him.

“Can you look it over?” he asked as I buckled up in the passenger seat, handing me a small white envelope. “I think it gets everything I want on paper and doesn't leave anything out, but I would still appreciate your opinion before I make a fool of myself.”

“You won’t make a fool of yourself,” I said, taking the envelope from him and opening it carefully.

“I just need to know if it is going to help my case or not,” Milo mumbled.

I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head. The man had a point, so for the drive, I read his statement. I read it over and over again until I had it memorized. After reading it one final time, looking up to see we had parked at the courthouse, I folded the letter and handed it back to him.

“Well?” Milo asked, taking the envelope from my fingers.

I pursed my lips and met his gaze, a slight tug of a grin forming as I nodded.

“It gets my point across?”

“It does.” I nodded again, opening my car door. “We don’t wanna be late. Come on.”

With our fingers still intertwined, we walked into the courthouse. Richard met us in the hallway and nodded to Milo, shaking his hand.

“Come on, I’ll lead you in.” Richard touched Milo’s shoulders. “Are you joining us this time, Madeline?”

“I’d like to. I brought a book in case it’s too much of a problem for me to be there, but I plan on sitting in that courtroom.” I reached in my bag for my book sleeve, but Milo stopped me with his free hand.

“The book isn’t necessary. I need you in there.”

I kissed his cheek and nodded, stepping closer to him as we passed through the door. Milo hesitated as I let go of his hand, allowing him to take a seat at the desk with Richard. I slid myself into a chair behind him, being separated by the half wall. The courtroom was well lit, the florescent lights not letting a single shadow come to life. The walls were white, bleak, with brown trim around the judge’s stand. This wasn’t what I pictured, but then again, I was basing it off of what I’d seen on television.

Milo reached into his coat pocket and slid the envelope holding his statement across the table. Richard opened it and read it, a smile forming on his lips.

“This is great. I think it may sway the judge.”

“I’ll be reading it today? I’m prepared to…”

Richard nodded. “Yes.”

Just then I heard the door behind me open, and Ms. Allen entered the room, her hair in a tight bun at the nape of her neck and her black glasses resting upon her nose. She looked terrifying. As soon as I saw Hannah and Donald, I sat up a little straighter. I was here, and I was not going to go anywhere.

“Madeline,” Hannah said before even acknowledging Milo, who stood and fixed the hem of his jacket. “I didn’t know you were going to be here today.”

I gave her a slight smile, choosing to stay silent.

“She’s here for me,” Milo said, looking at Hannah as she took her seat next to her lawyer. “Did you have a good week?”

Hannah hummed slightly, and Donald glared as he sat down, noticing the single piece of paper on the table. “Do you have your statement, dear?” Donald whispered, leaning toward Hannah.

Hannah tilted her body and looked at her husband, giving him a light nod. “We have about three more weeks before the move. This needs to be settled today.”

“I can assure you, it will be,” Ms. Allen said smugly.

I bit the inside of my lip. No wonder Milo had been under so much stress. This lady was strict and to the point, not willing to wager on anything.

Richard chuckled at her. “Well, then I guess we will see what happens when the judge arrives.”