Page 86 of That Right Moment

“I’m so sorry I missed everything.” Madeline pulled Ophelia back to her. “I didn't think I was going that long.”

“Well, we did make-out for a bit,” I muttered. Madeline shot me a look and rolled her eyes back to look at Ophelia.

“Maddy, don’t worry. It went off without a hitch, and I had a blast! I have a lot of potential buyers who want to sign the line and the dress, including JoAnn Harmon! You missed the dress. People literally gasped.” Ophelia’s energy was shooting through the room, and as she talked and jumped, all I pictured was what it would be like if Clay were by her side.

I looked to Madeline, her eyes glowing just as much as Ophelia’s. I reached out and grabbed her hand, lacing her fingers with mine. I would thankfully never have to know what it would be like without her.

“I’ll show you all the photos, and when you two get married, you’ll wear it for the rehearsal dinner or wedding, for all I know!” She jumped. “I need to get back in there, but you two go home. I have a key so please don’t wait up for me. JoAnn won’t wait forever.”

“I drove you here,” Madeline reminded her.

Ophelia waved her off and then gave me another quick hug. “I’ll catch an Uber.” Giving Madeline a hug and a large smile, she dashed off, leaving Madeline and me alone in the lobby.

Madeline’s head hit my shoulder. “Well, that was a waste of time. We could have just stayed home.”

I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me. “Ophelia’s staying with you, right?”

I felt her head nod on my shoulder.

“And she can take care of Niko?”

She nodded again.

I spun and faced her. “Then we’re going home.”

She scrunched her nose and grinned, giving me that small kiss that I loved.

Waking up next to Madeline was my new favorite experience in the entire world. Her head was resting on my chest, my arm wrapped around her tightly, her skin against mine. Her leg was draped over me in the classic fashion, our breaths in sync with each other. I shifted my weight ever so slightly, trying not to wake her, but she moved with me, a soft moan escaping her lips.

I kissed her temple. “Good morning,” I mumbled.

Madeline hummed and scooted closer into me. “We don’t need to get out of bed.”

“I have a feeling this is going to be an argument for the rest of our lives.”

She chuckled, her palm sliding down my chest as she wrapped her arm around my waist. “That’s an argument I’ll be willing to have, especially if it feels this good.” She lifted her chin, meeting my lips halfway. “It’s Friday, I’m off work with nothing to do, so I feel like I win this argument this time.”

Madeline shifted, climbing on top of me, the blankets falling from her shoulders. I ran my fingers up her sides, taking her all in. I was still in disbelief that she was in my bed, that I had her again, and that she wasn’t going anywhere. Her auburn hair fell off her shoulders and draped around our faces, creating a curtain. I pulled it back, holding the back of her neck, my thumb tracing her jaw line.

“I have another feeling that you will be winning this argument every time.” I lifted my back, kissing her collarbone and neck. “And I am totally okay with that.”

She laughed and sat up, forcing me back onto the bed. “What are we going to do today?”

“Well, I plan on staying in this bed for a while longer, but then we should probably go see Ophelia. Doesn't she leave today?” I closed my eyes and dropped my arms, willing the blood rushing through my body to stop.

“I have to take her to the airport tonight. I’m supposed to meet her for lunch.” She clenched her teeth.

“Wait, you just said you had nothing to do.”

She fell on top of me, her hair completely covering my face. “Imay haveforgotten about my previous obligations,” she mumbled into the pillow. I wrapped my arms over her body and held her close.

“We have forever to plan our days together. For now…” I brushed her hair from my face and kissed her shoulder. “We need to have breakfast, go see Ophelia, and I need to call Richard.”

“Okay, okay, okay.” She sat back up again. “I’ll get up and get coffee going.” She looked down at me and smiled. I raised my eyebrows, still relishing her beauty. “I love you,” she said sweetly, before jumping out of the bed, taking the sheet with her.

“Maddy!” I called as she ran out the bedroom door and into the bathroom. “Don’t leave the sheet in the bathroom!”

I joined Madeline in the shower, enjoying the morning a little longer than we actually intended, and when she kissed me goodbye to meet Ophelia, the house felt cold again. I sat at my kitchen counter with my laptop and phone, ready to give Richard a call, knowing very well he was going to ask me about Seattle and if I had changed my mind about custody at all. We were waiting for the court date, one that could either be tomorrow or five months from now. Richard told me that Hannah’s lawyer was being very persistent that it happen as soon as possible, before their move.