Page 74 of That Right Moment

I smiled, glancing toward the bathroom where Madeline had started a shower. “Thanks, Dad. That sounds like a perfect plan, actually.” We said our goodbyes, and I tossed my phone on the bed.

Returning Richard's call could wait. For now, I shot out of bed and dashed toward the bathroom. I wanted more time with Madeline.

“We didn’t buy a magnet,” I joked as we packed up the truck. Niko stood in the bed of the truck, his tongue sticking out and a huge grin on his face as my dad scratched behind his ears. “We need to get a magnet before we leave.”

Madeline groaned and rolled her eyes, wrapping her arm around my waist. “We are never, ever going to buy a magnet.”

“Magnets?” my dad asked, his eyes only on Niko, “Magnets are a necessity sometimes. What if you have to remember something, like a dentist appointment?”

“Milo better not forget his dentist appointment,” Madeline mumbled.

I laughed at her as she gave my dad a hug and headed to the passenger side of the truck. “It’s a long story. Inside joke?” I questioned, tilting my head to Madeline before she climbed in the truck. “Maybe one day it will be considered a joke.”

Madeline’s eye roll was strong enough to churn butter. “Doubtful,” she grumbled.

My dad gave me a quizzical look. I grinned and shook my head. “She doesn't like magnets. Holly”—I turned to see my daughter rushing out of the house, her bag slung over her shoulder—“are you ready?”

“Yup!” She ran into my dad’s arms. He lifted her off the ground and held her as tight as he possibly could. “I’ll miss you, Grandpa!”

“I’ll miss you, Holly-wood.” He placed her on the ground and held her hand, not willing to let her go just yet. He turned back to Niko, whose grin turned into a hint of jealousy. “I’m gonna miss this guy, too. He was fun to have around.” He rubbed behind his ears again. “He sure did grow on me, Maddy.”

Madeline turned her body and looked at her dog. “He does that.” Her smile radiated through the truck, bringing the entire week back to my memory. The relaxing hours we spent together, just us—wrapped up in each other. No other feeling could compare. She caught my gaze, and her cheeks turned pink.

Holly jumped into the back seat of the truck, calling for Niko. He perked up at her voice and jumped through the small window of the back of the truck.

“Make sure you close that, Holly,” my dad reminded her. “You don’t want Niko jumping out on the drive home.” He gave her another hug through the car door before shutting it, turning to me. “It was good to see you, James,” he mumbled.

“Good to see you too, Pops.” I gave him a hug, not minding the first name as normally as I would have. He patted my back and took a deep breath, making it feel like I would never see him again. Letting him go, I climbed into the driver's seat, pulled my phone from my pocket, and brought it to life. Richard’s new text showed on my screen.

Richard: Please call me when you are back in Portland. I have some news, and we need to speak the moment you are back in town.

I put my phone in the cup holder, waved to my dad one last time, and then we were off, leaving our vacation behind to return to normal life. A newer normal, I hoped, with Madeline now at my side. I reached over and grasped her hand, lacing her fingers with mine. Thankfully, she welcomed the touch, rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb.

“Are you going to call Richard back?” she asked softly, looking back at Holly, who was already sucked into a coloring book.

I gave her a slight smile and quick glance. “When we get back home. We have two hours left of this vacation, and I’m not ready to let it go just yet.” I raised her hand to my lips and kissed it softly.

She hummed. “Me either.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


Milo dropped me off at home, a kiss lingering on my lips as he closed the door behind him. I tried to convince him to stay, but as soon as he saw the massive amount of boxes my neighbor had put inside, he decided he would go to his clean(er) apartment. When Ophelia had mentioned she was going to send some boxes over, I didn’t picture fifteen all at once, and she wasn’t due for another week.

Niko meandered his way through to his bed and plopped down, a groan hitting his throat. He had a good time with Wallace, but I knew he missed his bed.

“Lazy bum,” I mumbled to him as I passed, pulling my phone from my pocket to call Ophelia.

She answered on the second ring, excitement in her voice. “Maddy!”

“You said a few boxes…” I said, shaking my head, turning back to the boxes that were piled in my living room. “There's a lot of boxes here.”

“Well, it’s a big show.” Ophelia chuckled. “I told you it would be a takeover of your entire house.”

I laughed and opened a box, and a burnt orange fabric appeared. “Orange?”

“Fall styles. Trust me, you’ll love them.”