‘Calmdown?Calmdown!I’vebeen working towards this for the best part of the year.Withfootfall customers dropping off it could be the saving of the shop.’Daisyglared at her. ‘Andyour job!’Shejabbed a finger at the older woman. ‘AndIstill haven’t forgiven you forGlen-gate.’

Marionwinced and handed back the mug. ‘Perhapsyou need this after all.Ican’t say how sorryIam about how it worked out.’


‘Ordidn’t.Ihad no idea he’d be like that, sweetie.’SherubbedDaisy’sarm. ‘Youdeserve someone so much better than him.’

‘Orany of the other datesI’vebeen on this summer.’Daisyswallowed half her coffee in one and grimaced.Itwas lukewarm. ‘That’sit,Maz.I’vesworn off men.Fromnow onI’mconcentrating on the business.Idon’t need a man in my life andIdon’t want one.’

Amasculine-sounding clearing of the throat behind them in the main shop alerted them to theWebFloristinspector’s arrival.

Daisyfroze, her mouth open, mug poised mid-air. ‘Isthat him?’ she hissed.

Marionpeered out and nodded. ‘Lookslike you might have to put your anti-man stance on hold, sweetie.Soundslike our inspector definitely has theX-whatsit chromosomes.’Shegrinned. ‘Still, there’s an upside.’


‘Shakeyour hair back, thrust your chest out and smile.UsewhatGod’sgiven you to win him over.’SheturnedDaisyround and towards the door of the office. ‘Teethand tits, darling, teeth and tits.’

‘Maz, that is the single most terrible thingI’veever heard,’Daisygrumbled, flicking her fringe out of her eyes and pinning on a professional smile. ‘Itall depends on the paperwork being correct.’

‘Everylittle helps.I’llput on the posh coffee, shallI?Anddig outBella’shome-made hazelnut-and-choc-chip cookies?’

Daisytook in a deep breath, channelling some of the fearlessness she’d had when dealing withGlen. ‘Goodplan.Andit’sXYchromosomes.XXare female.’

‘Iforgot you were a biology teacher once.Goand flash yourXXtits and teeth credentials then, sweetie, and good luck.Youcan do it.’

Itturned outDaisycould do it.TrevorJarrettwas a genial but thorough man in his forties who drank their coffee, exclaimed over the quality of the biscuits, studied the online evidence, examined their stock and didn’t miss a trick.Ithelped that he was tall and good-looking and utterly charming so it was hardly a hardship having to be in his company.WhileMarionserved in the shop,Daisytook him through her application.

Aftertwo intense hours after whichDaisythought her eyes needed uncrossing from concentrating so hard,Trevordeclared it all looked in order and, as far as he was concerned, she hadWebFloristaccreditation.Hesaid this as they walked back onto the shop floor andDaisywas so relieved she flung her arms around him and hugged him hard.Itwas unfortunate timing then thatRickchose that exact moment to walk in.

Hestood for a second staring aghast at the scene beforeMarionpounced. ‘Hi,Rick, canIhelp you with anything?’

‘Iwanted a quick word withDaisy, if that’s possible.’

Mariongrimaced. ‘She’sa bit busy at the moment, darling.Canyou come back later?Didyou want any flowers while you were here?’

‘No.I’llpass, thanks.Don’tneed any.’Rick’seyes were glued to the sight ofDaisyand the man embracing. ‘I’llmaybe come by later.’

‘Youdo that.’Marionushered him out and greetedBrendaPearceas she came in. ‘Mustdash.Customer.’

‘I’msorry.Ican see you’re busy.’Turningon his heel, he left.

Marionshrugged and began the long process of servingBrenda.

Daisymade the executive decision to shut up shop completely at lunchtime.Janpopped by, bringing some ofBella’scoronation chicken sandwiches and some fresh cream doughnuts in celebration so the three women took everything out into the garden, spread a blanket on the grass and set up a picnic.

Aftereating,Daisyfell back in the hot sunshine, closed her eyes and lay spreadeagled to the sky. ‘That’ssuch a relief to get it all over.’

‘Areyou sure he said everything was in order?’ her mother asked.Apesky seagull marched stiff-legged over, bent a beadyyellow eye towards the remnants of the food and flew off as she shooed him away.

‘Yes,’Daisyreplied sleepily, one hand over her eyes. ‘Saidthe accreditation certificate would be on its way with all the terms and conditions early next week.Assoon asI’vesigned to agree them, we can startWebFloristsales.Thenwhen people search on the site, our name will come up as their local florist.We’llreach a much bigger potential client base.’

‘Welldone, my chickadee.I’mso proud of you.That’sa real step forward.’

‘Itis.It’llmake a real difference.’

Thewomen stayed silent for a while, enjoying the distant sounds of the sea and happy squealing children drifting up from the beach on the breeze.