‘I suppose. In a manner of speaking.’

‘And, each time you were called out, you’d use the boat named after him?’

He nodded. ‘There’s only one boat at Lullbury Bay station. It’s due for an upgrade. They’ve been fundraising like crazy and think they’ll meet the target by next spring,’ he added, worried. He couldn’t gauge how she was taking it. ‘You don’t have to agree, Mum. You only have to say no, and Jamie will pass your feelings back. They’ll officially name it during the Blessings of the Boats Ceremony in May. You know, when they hold a shoreline service to bless the boats and,’ he paused, swallowing, ‘remember those lost at sea.’

‘Say no?’ Avril exclaimed, her eyes shining. ‘Why would I want to say no? I can’t think of a better way to remember your dad.’ She clutched his hand hard. ‘Oh, Jago, I’m not sure I can take much more tonight. It’s been such a rollercoaster of emotion. Oh, Jago,’ she repeated, and blindly grabbed the kitchen towel and wiped her eyes and blew her nose hard. ‘It’s the most perfect Christmas present.’

Jago nudged her whisky glass near again. He had the feeling she needed it. She sipped some and shuddered. ‘Revolting stuff,’ she said, astringently. ‘I don’t know how you can drink it. It was your dad’s tipple too.’

Jago pulled a face. ‘And he was to blame for introducing me to a good single malt.’

She managed a laugh through exhausted tears.

‘You need to go to bed, Mum. It’s been quite a night.’

‘You’re right, it certainly has.’ She began to slide off the stool and an insistent scrabbling came from the corner of the kitchen as the hamster began to run round his wheel. It woke Ivy who growled slightly and stretched. ‘Is it ten thirty?’ she yawned. ‘That’s Chestnut waking up. Same time every night. I’d better check he’s got food and water. With all the hoo-ha I expect Merryn will have forgotten.’

‘Hold on, Mum, that’s the time Dad died, isn’t it?’

Avril looked at him in shock. ‘Thereabouts. I think they called us in to say goodbye at about ten thirty.’ She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. ‘If I’m honest, that night’s all a bit of a blur.’

‘I know he’ll never be far from our thoughts but let’s make ten thirty on Christmas Eve the special time to remember him. To raise a glass to his memory.’

‘It’s a wonderful idea.’ Avril’s eyes were full of tears, but her face shone with a kind of happiness too. ‘I can’t believe it’s been a whole year.’

‘We’ve come a long way in a year. Just think what we’ve achieved.’ He smiled at his mother. ‘Whatyou’veachieved. I think Dad would be proud of us all.’

She picked up her glass. ‘To Kenan,’ she said, her eyes glistening. ‘He would have been so very proud of you, Jago.’

He met her glass with his own. ‘To Dad.’



‘Ah, here you are. Why are you watching TV in the dark?’

Honor looked up, relieved to see Jago in one piece. His mother couldn’t have been too angry with him. ‘It’s cosy in here with just the Christmas tree lights and the wood burner. Besides, I thought I’d give you and your mum some privacy. I’ve been watchingStrictly/The Full Monty/The Voice Christmas Mash Up.’



‘Ah well, that’s Christmas telly for you.’

‘Come and sit down.’ She patted the sofa.

He collapsed next to her. ‘Good to see you’ve built up the fire.’

‘I wasn’t entirely sure what to do but it seems to have worked.’

‘And the tree looks great. Did you do that too?’

‘All Lucie and Merryn’s handiwork. We were trying to find things to keep us busy while we waited. Where’s Avril?’

‘Gone up to bed. She’s exhausted. She said to say good night.’

Honor yawned and looked at her watch. ‘Oh my goodness. Look at the time. I need to go to bed too. I imagine Merryn is up pretty early on Christmas Day.’