Avril washed her hands and flicked the kettle on. ‘When we saw this room, we couldn’t resist the house. It’s only got a tiny parking space and garden but Jago has the top floor to himself, so it suited us. It’s not really a cottage though, is it?’

‘No,’ Honor agreed.

‘Jago tells me you and he have got close.’

The swerve in conversation took her by surprise. ‘Yes.’ The answer came out questioningly, on a rising note, as if she was asking for approval.

‘Don’t look so worried.’ Avril came to her and hugged her hard. ‘I’m thrilled. He needs a nice girl like you. And you’re definitely staying for Christmas Day, aren’t you?’

‘I’d like to, but only if you’re sure?’

‘Absolutely. Can’t have you on your own at Christmas. And you may as well stay tonight too, the bed’s made up.’

‘Actually, I’ve got my things in the car. I was late for the service and went straight there. I haven’t been back to my flat since driving down from my parents.’

‘That’s sorted then. We just need…’

Avril’s sentence trailed off. Honor knew what she meant. They just needed Jago to come home.

‘Now, ‘Avril continued, more briskly, ‘I don’t know about you but as well as tea, I need something to eat.’

‘I’ll go and unpack my car now, shall I? The least I can do is donate my mum’s leftover Christmas food. She bought three panettoni. Three! No idea why.’

‘They’re Jago’s favourite, so he’ll be delighted.’ Avril cast an anxious glance through the windows and out into the black night and Honor knew what she was thinking.

‘Shall we make sandwiches?’ Honor suggested, in an attempt to occupy their minds. ‘I’ve a mountain of turkey in a cool box in the boot and mum’s home-made cranberry sauce too. If we make a pile, the men can have some when they…’ she faltered.

‘When they come back,’ Avril stated firmly. ‘Good idea. You unpack your car, I’ll make the tea and cut some bread.’

After Honor had brought her stuff in Merryn took time out from untangling lights to show her the guest room. ‘It’s the smallest bedroom,’ the girl explained. ‘Mummy has a nonstweet but you’ll have to share my bathroom. My bedroom’s the one with the big light up heart on and Jago lives upstairs. He doesn’t like me going up there very often cos he says I mess his workstation up. Mum says come down quickly so we can eat.’

Honor unpacked quickly and when she returned to the kitchen, the others were sitting around the breakfast bar sipping tea. An enormous pile of sandwiches stood in the middle.

‘Can I have onenow, Mum?’ Merryn pleaded. ‘Now Honor’s here.’

Avril fixed her daughter with a stern look.

‘Please may I have a sandwich?’ Merryn amended. ‘Please.’

‘You may.’

The others laughed, desperate for something to ease the tension.

‘I can’t believe the amount of food your mother’s provided.’ Avril took a sandwich but left it untouched on her plate.

‘I know. She forgot they were going on holiday today. Bought enough for six and then some so I ended up bringing it back with me.’

‘So, tell us who the six are.’

‘Mum, Dad, my big sis Blythe, her little girl and husband. Blythe’s second baby is due next month.’

‘Lovely. And will your parents be back from their holiday in time?’

‘No, they’re away for over three months. It’s unfortunate timing but they’ll see the baby when they come back. They live close to my sister.’

‘Ugh. Babies.’ Merryn wrinkled her nose, a sandwich poised mid-air. ‘I’m not having one. I’m having puppies instead.’

Lucie laughed. ‘I’m with you all the way, kid but good luck with the biology on that.’