‘What for?’

‘For stupidly running off. I was so mixed up in my head. I was getting vibes from you that you were interested and even Tamara said you were.’

‘Wise woman, Tamara.’

Honor smiled. ‘In some ways. So, on the one hand, I sensed you liked me but on the other I saw you as this loving father, and husband to Avril. A woman I’ve come to like very much. I couldn’t believe you were flirting with me when all the time you were married. It was driving me crazy. It was like two warring emotions in my head. I was beginning to like you very much, I thought perhaps it was reciprocated but I refused to get into a situation where I’d be the other woman.’

‘Hence your relief when you found out the truth?’

‘I can’t tell you,’ Honor said warmly. ‘All the fuzzy muddle in my head cleared. It’s been awful.’

‘I’m sorry.’ Jago dropped a kiss on her temple.

‘You’ve nothing to be sorry for! It was all me. I’ve been so stupid. I saw you in the Sea Spray Café that night and you looked like the perfect family.’

‘When was that?’

‘A Monday back in November.’

He thought back. ‘Was that Merryn’s first day at school?’

Honor nodded. ‘I walk home along the prom sometimes as it’s more pleasant. Clears the head after a day in school. I quite often pop into Tracy’s for something to eat on the way home, so I looked in to see how busy it was and saw you all.’

Jago nodded. ‘It was Merryn’s first day with you. Mum and I had been fretting all day about how she’d get on, so the relief when she bounced out smiling like a toothpaste ad was enormous. We all got a bit overexcited and over-sugared having had at least two hot chocolates with extra marshmallows, then Mum agreed to us having a dog.’ He smiled at the memory. ‘Mer was so excited she couldn’t speak.’

Honor laughed. ‘That would explain it. I think, when I looked in, she was sitting on your lap.’

‘I can see why you thought I was her dad.’

‘You looked a very close family unit.’

‘Which we are,’ he agreed.

‘Just not the one I thought you were.’

‘You should have joined us.’

‘I didn’t want to interrupt.’

‘You’ll never interrupt.’ He tweaked a coil of her blonde hair. ‘Mum’s really fond of you, Merryn thinks you’re the best thing since sliced bread although, with Merryn we all have to accept our ranking.’

‘Which is?’ asked Honor, amused.

‘Somewhere below Ivy, Chestnut, the Carmichaels’ horses and dogs, and pizza.’

Honor giggled again. She felt giddy and it wasn’t the alcohol or the heat from the stove, it was being able to bask in Jago’s attention.

The couple opposite got up, gathered their coats and left. They were alone.

‘And where do I come inyourranking?’ she asked, unable to resist flirting.

‘Perhaps this will answer that.’ He kissed her, long and hard and hungrily.

‘Oh,’ she said weakly. ‘That’s nice.’

‘Nice? I’m outraged. Come here, woman. I’ll show you nice.’

When they broke apart, both were shaken by the storm of passion. They stared into each other’s eyes, dazed.