‘Hi, Honor.’ His hair was squashed down under the beanie and he had the collar of his jacket turned up. His nose was tinged pink and he looked frozen but alight with a glow of happiness she’d not seen in him before. ‘Icy out there.’

‘Hi, Jago. It is,’ she agreed. ‘I’m heading down to the harbour for something hot from the café after I’ve paid for this lot.’

‘I’ve just come from there. Wanted to check in on Merryn. See how she’s doing.’

‘And how is she doing?’

He grinned. ‘She’s having a ball. Not letting anyone in or out of the café unless they’ve bought at least three mince pies. She had a cooking frenzy last night. You should have seen the state of the kitchen. Flour everywhere.’

‘It’s a good thing she’s doing and you’re very trusting to let her do it.’

‘Lucie’s keeping a close eye out. They’ve hit it off.’

‘I didn’t realise you knew Lucie that well?’

Jago paused and Honor could swear he looked embarrassed. ‘Well, she sold us the house and I’ve got to know Jamie on my early morning dog walks round the harbour and where Jamie goes…’

‘So does Lucie,’ she finished for him, and they laughed. They shuffled forward in the queue. Honor sucked in a deep breath. ‘I’ve been meaning to talk to you.’

He stared deep into her eyes. ‘Me too.’

‘After that night at the German Market, I wanted to explain…’

‘So do I…’

The door to the shop opened again with another blast of frigid air.

‘Jago!’ Jamie shouted urgently, looking around. ‘Jago, are you in here?’

Jago turned to face him. ‘Hey, man. What can I do for you?’

‘Ah good. Lucie said you were heading up this way.’ He greeted Honor briefly and then addressed Jago. ‘You know you offered to help tonight?’

Jago flicked a quick glance towards Honor. ‘I did.’

Jamie grinned. ‘I’ve got just the job for you, but I need you to come now.’

‘But I was just talking to Honor.’

‘No time I’m afraid. I need you like yesterday. Sorry, Honor. I have to drag him away.’

Jago shot an apologetic look at Honor. He blew out a regretful breath. ‘I’m so sorry but I have to go. Can we, do you think, catch up later?’

She nodded, frustrated.

‘Come on, Jago, no time to waste.’ Jamie thew a horrified glance Honor’s way. ‘Sorry. That didn’t come out as I meant. It’s just I’ve got a bit of an emergency on.’

‘No problem, Jamie,’ she smiled at him. She knew he was too nice a man to casually insult. It must be a real emergency.

‘Honor, I hate to ask but could you do me a favour?’ Jago said beseechingly. He nodded in the direction of Avril. ‘Can you pass on the message that I’ve checked on Merryn and she’s fine and selling like a finalist onThe Apprentice. That’s what I came in to say.’ He clicked his tongue at Ivy and she slipped to his side. ‘Say I’m taking the dog out too, would you mind?’

‘Will do.’

He mouthed, ‘Sorry,’ gave her an apologetic look and left.

Honor watched as the two men hurried away and out into the night, followed by the faithful black-and-white spaniel. She bit her lip and sighed. It was all she could do not to join them. The need to follow devotedly at Jago’s heels, just like Ivy, shocked her inner feminist. ‘Get a grip, Honor,’ she murmured to herself. Hoping she’d get the chance to clear the air with him before she went away, she turned to Avril, piled the books on the desk and foraged in her bag for her credit card.