‘Maybe. Though, it was a situation I shouldn’t have got myself into in the first place. I rushed into the relationship, I rushed into a marriage without really thinking it through. It’s what I do. I rush things.’ He laughed again. ‘It’s weird as it’s in direct contrast to what I do for a living. Crafting with glass is one thing you can’t rush. You have to take time, respect the material.’

Verity put her head on one side and smiled sympathetically. ‘And I’d be shocking at your sort of thing. All fingers and thumbs. We all have our different talents, don’t we? The world would be a boring place if we were all good at the same things.’ She sipped her coffee. ‘But where does this leave Honor?’

Jago grimaced. ‘I think I’ve messed up.’

Verity settled herself more comfortably. ‘Do tell.’

‘I’ve bumped into her quite a few times now, hard not to when she’s teaching Merryn and this is a hell of a small town.’

‘Oh, it certainly is.’

‘I thought we were getting on really well. Thought I was getting the right vibes from her.’ He grimaced. ‘Then I tried to kiss her.’ He shook his head at the memory. ‘I was so clumsy. Honestly, Verity, I could have been fourteen and trying out my first pass. Actually, when Iwasfourteen, I had more luck. Don’t laugh. It was shocking.’

‘Oh dear.’ Verity suppressed a chuckle.

‘We got interrupted by this boy I’d bonded with at the lantern workshop. I helped out at it earlier in the day,’ he explained. ‘Jaden.’

‘Jaden? Yes I know Jaden. A right wriggler in the assemblies I do in school. Always getting into trouble, but it’s never ever quite his fault somehow.’

Jago smiled. Sounds like him. ‘Odd kid but interesting, quirky, you know? We got on like a house on fire. In some ways he reminded me of myself at the same age. I wasn’t your typical little boy. Hopeless at sport, couldn’t even kick a football around in the park.’ He spread his hands in front of him, the long fingers stretching out. ‘This is where my skill is, in my hands. Once I’d grasped that I didn’t mind being left out of the football team, or not picked for cricket. I knew I was clever but in a different way. I’m a lot like Mum in that respect.’

‘As I said, we all have our different talents. Were you bullied?’ Verity asked curiously.

‘No, strangely. I think it was because Dad always had my back. He always told me I’d be good at something, just not something involving a ball and my feet. The one thing he gave me which I treasure the most is confidence. I was always self-confident, and I think the other kids sensed it.’ He paused. ‘That’s what makes me so sad for Merryn. She’ll never have that from Dad. She appears confident, overly so sometimes, but it’s all brittle, on the surface. There’s no substance to it. It’s even more apparent since the accident.’

‘It could be your gift to her,’ Verity suggested gently. ‘Give her the confidence your father bestowed on you, to her.’

‘Yes, you’re right.’ Jago nodded. He thought for a moment, running the idea through his head. ‘I’ll make sure I do. And she’s such a clever kid, she could go on to do anything.’

‘From the little I’ve seen of your sister, I think the same. But back to Honor. What happened after the interrupted kiss? Where were you when all this happened?’

‘At the German Market.’

‘So you were in public?’

‘Yeah. Jaden’s mum misinterpreted the situation between me and him and by the time I’d prised the kid off me and explained, Honor had gone.’ He blew out a frustrated breath. ‘I’m certain there was something developing between us. Trust me, Verity, I wouldn’t have kissed her if there hadn’t.’

‘Well, it might have been a case of it being the wrong place,’ she said thoughtfully. ‘Honor has a position in the town. She’s a teacher and, old-fashioned as it sounds, the community still expects its teachers to maintain a certain level of dignity when it comes to their personal life.’

Jago scuffed his boots together. ‘I hadn’t thought of it like that.’

‘Have you seen her since?’

‘Yes. At the Craft Fayre.’ He winced. ‘It was all a bit awkward.’

‘Did you talk to her?’

‘No, not really. She was with some bloke from her school. Ben? I wondered if there was something going on between them. They looked very cosy.’

‘Ben Townham? No, I don’t think so.’ Verity stopped to consider the idea. ‘Or at least if there is she’s been incredibly discreet about it. Oh, Jago, you’ve got an awful lot of talking to do, haven’t you? You need to talk volunteering as crew with your mother and you really must talk to Honor. Clear the air. Find out where you stand with both women.’

Jago’s mouth twisted.

‘That’s if you want to move things on.’

‘Point taken. I’m worried I’ve rushed things with Honor, just as I did with Rose. It’s just that–’
