‘Oh, don’t worry, you will when she gets back from her swingers’ holiday,’ Lucie spluttered. ‘She’s hard to avoid.’

‘Are you sure Aggie hasn’t had a hand in proceedings?’ Honor asked, through giggles. ‘Now you come to mention it, I thought the middle wise man at the knitted nativity opposite church looked a bit suspect. A bit too pink and interestingly shaped, if you know what I mean.’ She began to laugh uncontrollably. ‘And those round presents were very unfortunately placed at his feet.’

‘Not to mention the bright purple cloak not being the best choice of colour!’ Lucie snorted with laughter.

Avril joined in and the three of them were soon rolling around, tears streaming down their faces. They were so absorbed in the silly joke they didn’t hear Ivy bark furiously, or the front door open.

‘Well,’ Jago said to Jamie, as they stood staring at the hysterical women. ‘It’s nice to see our womenfolk were at home waiting for us, weeping and wailing and tearing at their hair.’



Honor and Lucie rushed at their men enveloping them in hugs and kisses and tears. Merryn came back downstairs and joined in, and Ivy bounced around clumsily, barking. It was chaos.

Eventually Avril took control, got Merryn back to bed, shut Ivy in the boot room and surveyed the men with a critical mother’s eye. ‘You look exhausted,’ she said and went to make the inevitable pot of tea.

‘You’re back sooner than we thought,’ Lucie said to Jamie, hanging off his arm and gazing up at him with adulation.

‘Well, we’re a pretty slick team once we get going, you know.’

‘What was the emergency?’

‘Twenty-five-foot yacht aground just past Lullbury Bay Point,’ he explained. ‘Engine failure and too difficult to get to them via the cliff, especially in the conditions. That storm was wild.’ He tutted. ‘There were some big seas out there tonight.’

‘I’ve never seen navigation like it,’ Jago added. ‘Your Jamie is a hero.’ He clapped the man on the back.

‘Of course he’s my hero,’ Lucie said, adoringly.

‘Are you staying for a quick drink, Jamie? Although it looks like we’re out of Baileys,’ Jago added drily, with a glance at the empty bottle lying abandoned on its side.

‘If you don’t mind, mate, I think Lucie and I will make tracks. It’s a big day at the Wiscombes’ tomorrow.’ Jamie grimaced. ‘And with that family, I’ll need all my wits about me, if only to deal with Eli.’

‘Cheek!’ Lucie exclaimed. ‘And there was me planning on giving you a very special homecoming present!’

Jamie waggled his dark brows. ‘Looks like we’d better get off then. I’m on a promise!’

With much laughter, coats were found, more hugs given, and they left.

Honor and Jago stood at the open door and waved them off until they’d disappeared around the corner at the bottom of the hill. Jago looked up at the skies. The black clouds shifted against a dark sky but, in the gaps, stars twinkled serene and hopeful. ‘Looks like the storm has blown itself out.’ He hugged Honor to him.

‘Was it really bad out there?’

‘Let’s say it’s nothing like I’ve ever experienced. Jamie knows the coast like the back of his hand though.’ He shook his head slightly. ‘How he got us between the rocks in those seas, I’ll never know. The man’s a genius.’

‘Did it feel safe?’

‘It felt as safe as it could be in the circumstances. Calculated risk I suppose.’

‘Funnily enough, that’s sort of what Merryn said earlier.’

Jago dropped a kiss on the top of her head. ‘Did she? She’s a clever girl. Thinks too much though.’

‘It was in answer to your mum when she found out you’d joined a crew.’ Honor grimaced. ‘Avril was pretty steamed up.’

Jago let out an enormous sigh. ‘I should have told her straight away, before I’d even properly decided. I should have told her how I was feeling. I just didn’t want to add to her worries.’ He paused and then added heavily, ‘How did she take it?’

‘I think she was furious. Disappointed. Furious again. And then mostly terrified you might not make it back. We all were.’