‘Because I’m at university and studying it. And that quote is from King Lear which William Shakespeare wrote.’

‘Do you think I can learn Shakespeareandbe a vet?’

‘To be honest, Merryn, babe,’ Lucie was heard saying, in a dry tone. ‘I think you’re capable of anything.’

Avril stared at Honor. ‘I think Merryn is going to be quoting Shakespeare at her patients. How do you think a poorly Labrador will take it?’ She was trying, and failing, to inject some humour into the endless waiting.

‘Scrap that. I think she’ll run for prime minister,’ Honor replied, joining in, desperately trying to lighten the atmosphere.

‘Will he come back, Honor? Will my boy come back?’

Honor went to Avril and threw her arms around her. ‘He’ll come back,’ she said through their shuddering tears. ‘Of course he will.’

Looking out through the big kitchen window, which again, was streaming with rain, and clutching the angel pendant Jago had made for her, she fervently hoped it was true.



An hour later, the tree was decorated, Merryn was whiny and overtired and the three women sat on the slouchy sofa in the family room staring glassily and unseeing at the television. Ivy couldn’t settle. They’d taken turns trooping out to the garden with her, but it wasn’t a wee she wanted. She wanted Jago back.

‘Don’t we all,’ Honor whispered to her on the last abortive visit. Ivy gave her a perplexed look and went to stand in the porch, her nose pressed close to the front door.

‘What’s the time?’ Avril asked for what seemed the millionth time.

Lucie was about to check her phone to tell her when it pinged a text through. ‘They’re back!’ she yelled, making Ivy bark. ‘Boat just in. Two casualties rescued. All safe.’

‘Thank fuck,’ Avril said. She gave Merryn a stern look. ‘You did not hear me say that word. Oh, thank God.’ She pressed her fingers to her eyes. ‘Thank God.’

Honor’s phone pinged. Scanning the text she said, in a relieved voice, ‘It’s the same message.’ She didn’t read out the final words which made her glow inside. Jago had written, ‘Cannot wait to see you and give you the biggest hug. All my love.’

‘Right, young lady,’ Avril said to Merryn. ‘Bed!’

‘Aww, Mum, I want to stay up and see Jago when he gets back.’

‘If you don’t go to bed now, you’re going to be horrible tomorrow. And nothing, I mean nothing, is going to spoil this Christmas Day for us.’

‘They’ll be ages yet, kid,’ Lucie added. ‘They have to clean the boat down and make it good, deal with the coastguard and the paramedics. Takes a while.’ The expression on her face matched her bright hair.

‘Muuuuum! It’s only nine o’clock.’ There was defiance in her voice but a wobbly defeatism too. The child was exhausted. ‘Promise me Jago’s coming home?’

Avril took her by the shoulders. ‘Of course, my darling girl. Of course he’s coming home. He’s down at the station now just tidying up after the shout. He’ll pop in when he’s back and kiss you goodnight. But to do that, you have to be in bed. Off you go.’

Merryn hugged Lucie goodnight and then came to Honor. Hugging her too, she whispered, ‘Thank you for staying and looking after Mummy. I know she said a rude word but that meant she was really, really worried.’

‘Oh, Merryn,’ Honor replied, hugging her back. ‘I think we’ve been looking after each other and you did the best job of all. You kept us all busy and made us laugh. That’s important. I’ll see you in the morning.’

‘Bright and early?’

‘Well, maybe nottoobright and early!’

‘Mum, can I take Ivy up to cuddle?’

‘No,’ Avril reprimanded. ‘Remember the house rule. No dogs on beds.’

‘But she got on the sofa earlier and she’s not supposed to go on there either.’

‘Bed, Merryn! Now!’