‘I know.’ Honor wiped the mirth from her eyes. She was laughing so much, she was crying. ‘It’s the first time they’ve done it, but I hope they make it an annual event.’

‘Thank you again, Sid and Benson,’ continued Maisie. ‘Remember though folks, plum pudding is not to be fed to dogs as it can make them very ill. Please save it for your Christmas afters.’

The next dog was an immaculately behaved Labrador in a Santa outfit who posed perfectly, followed by a terrier dressed as an elf who raced round barking and shot off in the wrong direction, through the crowd and onto the prom, its owner at the end of the extendable lead puffing behind.

Once the crowd quietened, Maisie said, ‘Thank you to Toffee and owner Agnes for all that excitement. If we could have the music turned down now, please, Alice, and could I ask you all to be as calm as you can, as next we have a very special entrant.’ The strains of ‘O Little Town of Bethlehem’ could be heard as Carols from Kings played in the background again. ‘Please welcome, but do it quietly, Ivy and her young handler, Merryn.’ A quiet ripple of applause sounded as a beaming Merryn led Ivy into the ring, the dog’s limp hardly noticeable. Avril hovered apprehensively on the sidelines.

Honor felt Jago stiffen at her side. She looked up to see his eyes glisten with proud tears and tucked her hand into his arm.

‘Ivy is a special dog,’ Maisie whispered, ‘as she’s a rescue and a very recent one. Merryn has been working hard on training her. I think we’ll all agree she’s looking splendid as the angel on top of the Christmas tree.’

Someone ‘ahhed’ in the crowd.

Merryn preened as she led a slightly jittery Ivy around the circle. The dog wore a short white satin coat over her front two legs, with angel’s wings and a tinsel halo protruding from her collar. As she turned around, the pièce de résistance could be seen; a Christmas tree complete with baubles attached to her back. All knitted.

Honor gasped. ‘Oh, that’s so sweet. I take it Avril knitted the costume?’

Jago nodded. ‘Mum’s really got into her knitting again, or had before she began working in the bookshop. She’s so much happier.’

Honor hugged his arm to her. ‘I’m glad. She certainly looked in her element when I went in the bookshop yesterday.’

‘She loves it, and her Knit and Natter group. She’s making friends.’ Jago looked at his little sister. ‘We all are.’

Ivy only managed a quick lap before beginning to look anxious, so Merryn handed her over to Avril who led her out. The music returned to full volume and Tom brought Tiny the Irish Wolfhound in.

‘Seen enough?’ Jago asked.

Honor nodded. ‘I think I need to move. My feet are frozen. But don’t you want to see if Merryn and Ivy win?’

‘She’s already won in my eyes. Come on, let’s hit the town and find some warmth.’

She reached up and kissed his cheek. ‘You are an unbelievably nice man, Jago Pengethley.’



They hurried along the prom in the direction of the high street, hardly noticing the twinkling white lights or the knitted Christmas garlands twisted around the railings. They kept their heads down and their hands in their pockets. The wind was getting up.

Once they’d turned the corner into the shelter of the high street, it instantly eased.

Honor blinked, her cheeks stinging. ‘That was bracing.’

Jago laughed. ‘It was.’ He tucked a strand of hair back under her woolly hat. ‘What would you like to do now?’

As they hesitated, a clip-clopping sound could be heard echoing against the shopfronts, rising above the buzzy chatter of the late-night shoppers. The high street had, once again, been closed off to traffic and the town was thronging with people wrapped up warm against the cold. As well as the chestnut seller, the burger stall was back, along with one advertising doughnuts and another pulled pork, turkey rolls and falafels. The brass band underneath the Christmas tree started up, playing ‘Jingle Bells’. The scents and sounds combined to make it impossibly Christmassy.

The clip-clopping resolved itself into a horse and open-top carriage. It appeared in the narrow gap at the end of the high street which led to the cobbled square. With a jingle of bells it drew up next to Honor and Jago. Painted white, it had two lanterns hung on the front, a red one at the back and was decorated with a mass of silver bells.

‘Hello there, Jago. Oh and it’s Miss Martin!’ It was Ciara Carmichael, a parent from school and mother of Merryn’s best friend. She was sitting up in front holding the reins and dressed smartly in an old-fashioned riding habit complete with top hat and whip. ‘Fancy a ride? Come on up. Lots of rugs to keep you cosy and any donations to the RNLI. Say hello to Pasco the Pony first.’

Dutifully they went to the pony and rubbed its nose. In response Pasco threw his head up and snorted so they backed off with a giggle.

Jago turned to Honor. ‘Shall we? Looks like Pasco might need some exercise.’

‘I’d love to.’

He took her hand as she stepped in and helped her up. Sliding in next to her, he pulled the heap of fake fur rugs over them. There wasn’t a great deal of room, but it suited them just fine to snuggle in together. Jago found her hand and held it.