‘Was Santa chasing too?’

Honor couldn’t speak, she was laughing too much. She nodded, snorting a little.

‘Let’s just hope he has some energy left for Christmas Eve then,’ and Jago collapsed into laughter too.

Avril looked curiously from one to the other. Her interest piqued; she welcomed the distraction from her grief. They were acting as if there were only the two of them in the room. Interesting, she thought to herself. It was about time Jago got himself a nice girl. She’d kept quiet when he was married but had never thought Rose right for him. Jago was too serious sometimes, bore the weight of his responsibilities heavily. She knew he felt responsible for her, and she didn’t want that. He was a young man, with his whole life in front of him. He needed someone to inject a bit of fun into his existence and Honor could be just the person to do it. ‘I’ll just go and collect Merryn,’ she said but neither heard; they were still laughing together. It was good to hear Jago laugh like that. She hadn’t heard him do it for too long. Sliding away, she left them to it.

‘So, what’s next on the Lullbury Bay Christmas calendar?’ Jago asked once he’d managed to control his laughter.

Honor took out a tissue and blew her nose delicately. ‘Oh dear, I haven’t laughed that much in ages. I really needed a good giggle.’ After mopping at her eyes, she answered, ‘Well, for me, it’s the end of term. Now the nativity’s over, I can’t wait. Don’t get me wrong, there’s something utterly magical about being in a primary school in the run up to Christmas and being knee-deep in tinsel and excitement, but I’m exhausted. I’m the world’s biggest fan of Christmas but I need some sleep! What about you, do you like Christmas?’

‘Sometimes,’ he answered, cagily. ‘Maybe I’ll learn to love it again this year?’

‘I think you should. And I think it might be down to me to teach you how to love a Lullbury Bay Christmas.’ She sparkled up at him. She was only half aware of what she was saying. Relief the end of term was here, plus half a cup of Mrs Arnold’s strong mulled wine and a fit of the giggles had made her lose any inhibitions. ‘Lullbury Bay is the best place to spend it. We’ve still got the lantern and carnival parade to come and the German Market and loads of other things happening. There’s a New Year’s Day Dip too if you fancy it. Raises money for the RNLI.’

‘The what?’

‘You get dressed up in fancy dress and go for a swim in the sea.’

‘In December?’ he asked, incredulous.

‘Nope,’ she giggled. What was it about this man? She was on a cloud of something sparkly. ‘On January the first.’

‘Oh, as it’s January, that makes all the difference!’

She watched, fascinated, as his mouth quirked in humour. He had a very lovely mouth. ‘Don’t look so sceptical,’ Honor said, laughter bubbling up again. ‘It’s huge fun. The Old Anchor puts on hot chocolate and bacon butties afterwards.’

‘You probably need more than that if you go swimming in Lullbury Bay in January. Like medical attention.’ He grinned, taking the sting out of the words.

‘Oh, it’s not that bad. I think you should try it.’

‘No,’ he said, firmly. ‘Not for me.’

The larky flirting stopped. Honor felt his mood change and blacken but couldn’t understand what had happened. It was as if a grey pall had fallen over him. Then she remembered he was married and unobtainable and her mood sobered too.

‘Maybe the lantern making workshop then? It’s tomorrow. I’m running it at the Art School. You make a lantern to carry in the carnival parade.’

‘Maybe. Do you stay in Lullbury Bay for Christmas?’ he asked, changing the subject. ‘Or do you head home to family? They’re in Worcester, aren’t they?’

‘Well done for remembering. Sometimes I do. Sometimes they come here. This year, though, my parents are celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary with a cruise. All around the world, starting from Southampton.’

‘Wow. Trip of a lifetime. What are you going to do, though?’

‘We’re having Christmas early. I’m up there for the day with them and my sister, and then I’ll be back here in Lullbury Bay. Quite looking forward to it actually. Some nicely expensive M&S nibbles and heavy use of the remote control.’ A frown flickered over her face.


‘As long as my downstairs neighbour doesn’t kick off. I only have to drop a feather and he complains about the noise. It gets a little wearing.’

‘Doesn’t sound much fun.’

‘Oh, he’s okay most of the time as I’m out at work all hours but it’s hardly relaxing worrying about what he’s going to complain about next. Still,’ she said, brightly, ‘worse things happen at sea.’

Jago remained silent.

Honor watched him as he stared at his feet, scuffing one trainer against the other. He was obviously uncomfortable about something. ‘Have you seen the postbox topper down by the Sea Spray Café? Someone has knitted three snowmen and fixed them onto the top of the postbox. It’s really sweet. One of those daft things that really cheer you up. I’ve nick-named them the Ninja Knitters.’

‘Good name for them. Think I caught a glimpse of you looking at it last night when I was walking Ivy.’