I stretched out in the bath and let my head fall back against the warmth of one of their hands. “Are y’all clean? If you are, I would let you come in me. I really would. Cause I like you and I think you’re sweet.”

Price pressed a soft kiss to the side of my head. “We’re clean, Sonnie, but let’s talk about this tomorrow.”

I pouted again. “Can I go to bed now?”

Drake laughed easily. “Alright. Let’s get you to bed before you throw a fit.”

I forced my tired eyes open wider to frown at him with my full focus. “I don’t throw fits.”

He raised his eyebrows and just stared at me for a few seconds. “For some reason, I believe you haven’t gotten thechance to throw fits in your life until now. Things are changing, though.”



I woke up being cuddled by Drake and Price. Cole was on the other side of Drake, clinging to the side of the bed. Price had been cupping my breasts and stabbing me with an impressive erection. I’d woken up aroused because of it and when he woke up, he took advantage of the situation. He’d held me from behind and taken me slowly, silently, until I thought I would go insane from how effortlessly he teased me and took his time doing it. He wasn’t rushed at all in fucking me, it seemed. Then I got to see his wilder side as Drake woke up and saw what was happening.

The teasing had stopped and Price had really fucked me then, forcing grunts out of my mouth with each thrust. Drake had watched while slowly stroking his dick as Price held me tight and fucked me hard until I came like a wild woman, screaming even as my voice broke from his thrusts jarring me. He’d come inside me and then held my thighs open after he pulled out so Drake and Cole, who’d woken up, could watch as his come slowly leaked out of my sex.

It was dirty and I liked it. It turned into more sex and they’d all come in me, marking me as theirs like cavemen. They loved seeing it, so much that they’d wanted me to leave it, leavetheminside me. I liked seeing the possessive gleam in their eyes so I gave them what they wanted. I doubted I’d get to experience them for all that long and I didn’t want to waste a second of the opportunity. Whatever experience they wanted to give me, I wanted to take. They could draw pleasure from my body so easily and it was better than anything I’d ever felt before. I wouldn’t waste that.

We were still naked in bed when the first call came in. It was my phone, somewhere in the rest of the house. I ignored the first call but when it rang again right after, I groaned.

“It could be Rosie. I need to get it.” I crawled off of Drake’s chest after kissing him once more and limped my way out of the bedroom. My whole body ached in ways I didn’t know was possible.

“Tell her it’s Saturday and that means you no longer wear clothes, so you’ll have to stay here, locked away with us.” Cole’s laughter followed me as I left.

“I will not be telling my sister I’m having naked time with you three. There are some things I don’t know how to explain to a fifteen-year-old. That’s one of them.” I bent over and found my phone in my bag. The screen flashed with Gia’s name.

I answered it happily, thinking I was about to blow Gia’s mind with the fact that I’d officially, really had sex. I didn’t get a word out before she was shouting in my ear, though.

“You skanky little skank! How could you not tell me that you’re seeing those sexy bakers from Trio? You’re fucking them, aren’t you? I could tell by the pictures. The chemistry is fucking coming off the pages, girl. Tell me everything. I’ll forgive you for not telling me if you tell me how the sex was. In detail. I need to live vicariously.” Gia’s excitement would’ve normally filled me with happiness, but all I felt was confused.

“What…? How do you know about that? How…?” I heard footsteps coming from the front of the house and looked up just as a perfectly dressed woman walked into the living room. I screamed and tried to cover myself, but I was a lot naked with not a lot of arms to hide behind.

The guys shouted back and all came running out of the bedroom. They surrounded me and were so focused on making sure that I was okay they didn’t notice the furious woman who was the only one of us clothed.

I pointed in her direction and stood behind Drake as he turned and noticed the woman. He stiffened and I felt the mood shift immediately.

“What the fuck are you doing here? You can’t just let yourself into my house.” Drake turned to me and lightly pinched my chin to turn my face up to his. “Go and get dressed. Grab one of my shirts from the closet, if you need.”

I blinked. “Why is there a woman in your house?”

“It was my house, too, at one point. That was before it turned into a place of debauchery, however. I liked a little more class in my home, but that’s just me.” The woman’s voice was cold and she clearly didn’t think much of me. “I came over to see if you’d finally lost your goddamn mind and I see that you have. All it took was abartenderwith big tits and a tight ass?”

Price stood shoulder to shoulder with Drake, blocking me from the woman. “Watch what you say, Samantha. You’re overstepping in a big fucking way.”

I tried to look around them and maintain my dignity while naked. “While I appreciate you noticing my ass, I’m not sure if you realized everything else you said was rude as hell.”

“Oh, god. She’s a country bumpkin, too? Fucking great, guys. Really fucking great.” Samantha, the mean bitch, laughed but the sound was more akin to a Halloween spook soundtrack than a real laugh. “I get you a publicist and somehow you majorly shit the bedafteryou meet with him?”

“Get out of my house.” Drake’s voice was barely more than a growl. “You don’t get to come in here and insult the woman I’m—”

“The woman you’re what, Drake? The woman you’re fucking with your two besties? I’m not saying anything half the country isn’t fucking saying this morning.” She growled right back at him. “Next time you want to go to a bar and mingle with the locals, try not to get caught throwing your dick around. You three morons got caught kissingBartender Barbieon camera.”

An odd sense of stillness settled over me. As her words clicked into place in my mind, the full picture came together and I stareddown at my phone. Gia knew about the guys. Gia knew about the guys because someone took pictures of me kissing each of the guys at the bar. I could hear the guys were shouting back and forth at Samantha, but it was just white noise as I slowly turned around and walked back to Drake’s bedroom. I sat on the edge of his bed and hung up the call that was still ongoing with Gia before opening a new internet tab and typing in Trio.

Before I finished typing their company name, search suggestions came up and they all painted a pretty clear picture. The articles I found next left no doubt in my mind. The whole world knew about that kiss at the bar. There were photos. Not just at the bar, but at the gas station. There were even photos of us going into my house, my falling down house, and photos of us going into Drake’s house. I realized in horror there was even a series of photos of me sitting on Drake’s lap on the couch, ice cream in hand before we all three disappeared into a room together.