Without another word, the man swore and turned away from us. He stomped into the school and didn’t look back at us once.

I turned towards the guys and grinned so wide that my cheeks hurt. “That. Was. Amazing. Thank you! He was being so meanuntil you guys showed up. Wow. Is this what Muhammad Ali felt like after a fight?”



I was ogling Drake’s girl. Not girl. Woman. Sonnie Morgan was one hundred percent woman with daring curves and a quiet sex appeal which knocked the air out of my lungs when I saw her that morning. Even messy and stressed out, she was stunningly beautiful with her big brown eyes and full mouth. That mouth that she seemed to bite so much was puffy and looked swollen like she’d just been kissed hard or done even better things that played across my mind in technicolor. Hearing her stand up for herself and her sister just made her even hotter.

Drake elbowed me as we walked back to Price’s SUV. He’d definitely caught me staring at the fullness of Sonnie’s ass as she walked ahead of us. “Really?”

I looked over at him and shook my head. “Where’d you find her? Take me and leave me there.”

He grinned. “You’d just be disappointed. She’s special.”

Price opened Sonnie’s door for her and even helped her in. He leaned in and said something that made her laugh and when he closed her door and looked back at us, his grin was cocky. He nodded his head towards her. “Hear that?”

Drake groaned. “You, too?”

I slipped away while they bantered and claimed my seat next to Sonnie in the back. Her eyes were on me when I looked over. I smiled. “What?”

She shook her head and pushed hair out of her face. It was hot in the vehicle but I didn’t want to ruin my time alone with her by yelling at Price to start the car. “Y’all were really nice to do that for me back there. I mean it.”

“It was nothing, Sonnie. Seriously, it was the least we could do.” I reached over and lightly squeezed her shoulder. “Do you think your little sister is okay?”

She lifted one shoulder slowly. “I don’t know. I’ve been her guardian for three years and it’s never gotten easier.”

“You’re twenty-four, right? So, when most people were going out, getting hammered for their twenty-first, you were becoming a parent to your sister?” I whistled. “That’s tough. You’re a good woman for doing it.”

“Not really. What other choice did I have? She was twelve and we have no one else. I’m not sure how good I am for doing the least I could do, like you said.” Her big brown eyes focused on me and she lifted that stubborn chin a little higher. “The reason the principal and everyone around here treats Rosie like they do is because of the things our mother did. You might’ve heard of her.”

“Do they only treat Rosie a certain way or do they treat you like that, too?”

Her eyes darted to the front of the SUV and she seemed to think about my question. Before she could answer, Drake and Price climbed inside and looked back at us.

Drake frowned at the serious look on Sonnie’s face. “You okay?”

She nodded and looked back at me. “I guess they treat me like that, too, but it matters less. I’m an adult. I can handle it. Rosie’s just a kid.”

I leaned forward, unconcerned about my own seatbelt. “That’s bullshit. It doesn’t matter less. You shouldn’t have to handle their bullshit, no matter what your mom did.”

Price started the AC but didn’t move. “What’d we miss?”

“Something you should know before you tie your brand to me… The reason this whole town treats Rosie and me like outcasts… Our mom, Jenna Morgan, robbed a bunch of banks with her loser boyfriend. They beat up an old man at one of the banks and her boyfriend even shot at the cops while they were on the run. Imagine Bonnie and Clyde but make it trashier.”She nodded her head when we didn’t immediately reply. “I don’t think you want my name associated with your company. I never did anything, but that’s never mattered. Even Rosie gets treated like a thief and she was a child when it all happened.”

Drake turned as much as he could in his seat and cupped her cheek in his hand. Her peaches and cream skin made his hand look massive and so much darker. “We don’t give two shits about what your mom did. You and Rosie are good in our book.”

I grunted my agreement. “Honestly, fuck whoever would judge you for something you didn’t do.”

Price looked back at her and smiled. “Looks like you’re tied to us, whether you like it or not. Have you ever thought about what the likes of the three of us will do to your brand?”

Sonnie giggled and it was somehow the sexiest sound. “The three of you? I didn’t realize I was getting a combo deal.”

Drake sighed dramatically. “I should’ve turned my location sharing off. I’ll never get you alone again.”

She reached forward and patted his shoulder. “Who said you were ever going to?”

I laughed at my best friend’s misery the way only a best friend can. “Tough. So, what’s your opinion on spending time alone with me?”