A massive open area where the audience would camp out, dance and party for three days consisted of scrubby grass and patches of hard earth baked in the sun. If people felt like wandering, there were hiking trails and even a botanical garden filled with local varieties of plants.

He eyed the head of the hiking trail. That route bothered him the most. Someone could easily slip in from some other starting point and skip the security at the gates where they checked for weapons.

He twisted to look at the enormous stage where the biggest acts would go on. That included Avalynn. It was a good distance from the trailhead, but he still didn’t like it.

Smaller stages dotted the landscape, and a village of food trucks filled in the gaps—presenting their own security issues. He wouldn’t put anything past the son of a bitch who was trying to hurt Avalynn. Masquerading as a food service worker wasn’t much of a stretch for a man who drugged a woman and then made a sex tape with her.

A touch on his sleeve made him swing around. Lark stood next to him wearing an I Love Avalynn Ray T-shirt.

He grunted. “Nice shirt.”

“Thanks! You were looking for me?”

“Yes. I need your help on a matter.”

She bounced on her Converse sneakers. “Hit me with it!”

Her enthusiasm would make anyone grin, and he couldn’t stop his. “Adding you to the Sentry team was the best idea Clay ever had.”

“Awww, really? Thanks, Julius.” She bumped her shoulder against him, but it only brushed his upper arm.

“I need some disguises.”


“For me and Avalynn.”

She blinked at him. “You do realize you’re creating your own security issues, correct?”

“Got it. But this is important. Avalynn complained that she never gets to watch all the other performances because she’s too busy hiding from paparazzi in her tour bus.”

Lark’s lips formed anO. “And you want to take her out.”

“Just for a little bit. Enough for her to see her favorite group. They’ll be on stage two.”

She bobbed her head. “All right. I feel you. I think I know what to do. Give me an hour to figure things out and I’ll text you when I’m ready.”

He beamed at her. “You’re the best, Lark.”

She threw him a little head bobble. “That’s me!”

He chuckled. “I’ll be sure to tell Clay to give you a raise.”

She snorted. “I don’t need a raise. I need that man to take some time off so we can start a family!”

He stared at her. “Are you considering it?”

“Of course we are. He’s going to make a fantastic daddy. And while I have a lot more time before my biological clock runs out,heis in his forties. If I want my baby daddy to have the energy to change diapers and take midnight feeding shifts, we’ve gotta start now!”

He chuckled. “I wish you both the best of luck with the family, Lark.”

Smiling softly, she nodded. “I hope you and Avalynn can work things out after this is all over, Julius. You two aregreattogether.”

His heart gave a tight squeeze. Comparing his and Avalynn’s relationship to Clay and Lark’s, he didn’t find themthatfar off. Same with Quaide and Dove. They might have come together in different ways for different reasons, but their love shone through thick and thin, up hills and down.

He loved Avalynn, and whether or not they could make their marriage last, he would still love and cherish her until he drew his final breath.

After Lark left on her mission to find them some disguises, he did a walkthrough of the trailhead just to scope it out for himself. He snapped a few photos of places that he wanted to set guards on before returning to the place where Avalynn’s tour bus was parked.