“Heyyyy! Abel!” The athlete’s voice filled his ear, conjuring a complete image of the man he was talking to. “I’m glad you’re up. I wake up early on this new training regime.”

“And you thought of how I always bust your balls about staying vigilant about your safety?”

“Not even close. I opened my phone and saw my old bodyguardall oversocial media.”

He didn’t question why. Heidi and the PR team made certain the wedding photos were leaked. And Lark played her role too, by tossing the images into every corner of the dark web in an attempt to lure out the stalker.

“Abel, you sly guy! You didn’t tell me you were getting married.”

His heart gave a hard squeeze at the word. How could that word even be attached to him? He’d never, ever planned to bind himself to one woman, let alone in this manner.

“Few knew.”

“I guessed after that sex tape hit you’d make an honorable woman of her. I mean, it’s the least you can do to make up for your small package.”

He gave a discreet cough butdamn,his ego didn’t like staying quiet on that particular matter withthisparticular friend.

“Congrats, man. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks, Kingsley.”

“I don’t know if this photo of you looking at your bride is filtered through an app or if it’s real. What I did notice is you never looked atmethat way.”

Kingsley was six-two and two hundred twenty pounds, and a linebacker in the NFL. Julius had called him a friend long before he stepped down from his role of bodyguard.

He let out a snort. “For good reason too. You’ve got a face only a mother can love.”

“And it looks like you got a small dick!”

They shared a laugh, but he kept his voice low to keep from waking Avalynn.

“Look, Abel, I didn’t call to give you shit about your size. I called to see if you have honeymoon plans.”

Julius tripped over that question. “Not yet.”

“Well, say no more, my friend. I’ll set you up in my private home in the Caymans.”

“Dude…” He hooked his hand around his nape.

“Look, you saved mylife, man. I wouldn’t be talking to you right now if you weren’t there at that exact moment. You took a damnbulletfor me, Abel. The least I can do is let you stay in my house.”

His mind shot to the Cayman Islands and the place Kingsley was offering as a honeymoon getaway. And damn, would it be the perfect place to slip away with Avalynn.

If Chez Nous was sentimental and transported them to what felt like a foreign land, the photos Julius had seen of Kingsley’s home in the off-season was modern and fresh with nothing but stunning views of turquoise water, sand and sky.

He opened his mouth to accept the offer, but a scream vibrated from the bedroom. His heart rocketed into his throat. Adrenaline punched through him like a sniper bullet.

He spun. Shoved the door open and scanned the room.

Avalynn stood next to the bed, her thick long hair sticking out in a wild mane and her arms locked around her body. Her shoulders shook, but the terror on her face hooked him in the gut.

He skimmed her for blood and saw none. Whirling, his gaze hit the French doors just in time to see a man’s leg vanish through one as he leaped off the balcony.

Julius whipped out his weapon and fired, but it was too late—the guy was gone. He stormed to the balcony and looked down. The man was sprinting away.

A cracking noise alerted him that Sentry busted down the door to get into the suite. Avalynn shrieked again, and every fiber of his being shifted to go to her, to settle her.

Not yet. He hung over the balcony rail, watching the motherfucker who breached her room—their room—disappear from view.