Chills broke out from the top of her head to her pinky toes. She curled them inside her boots. The crowd went wild.

Her voice grew in strength as she cut open a vein of emotion and began to bleed her feelings all over the audience. Knowing that Julius was out there listening made tears rush to her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

No ugly crying tonight.

She sang her heart out to a packed stadium of fans…for one man.

And she meant every word.

A prickle of heat swept up her side. She automatically pivoted to glance in the side wings of the stage.

Julius was there. Staring at her.

Their gazes locked, and she continued to sing—to him.

This wasn’t any song about love. It was one soul speaking to another. Did he hear it in her voice? Feel it in the way she looked at him?

His eyes glowed. She swore she saw his chest heave.

When the final word fell from her lips, total silence followed.

Then all of a sudden, the world erupted. Screams deafened her.

She looked from the audience back to Julius. He brought his hands up and began to clap for her. Then he blew her a kiss.

No one could stop her grin. The drummer hit it, and she was off and running, performing like she had hundreds of times in the past, only this felt different.

She’d never been in love then.

When the concert ended, Julius was waiting for her. She ran into his arms, and he whisked her off the stage. Getting backstage was impossible with all the fans with VIP passes trying to touch her, screaming for her to sign their T-shirts.

But Julius hooked an arm around her shoulders and dragged her close.

“Avalynn! Are you going to get married in Vegas?” someone shouted above the din.

Another few steps and Julius shoved her into her dressing room. He slammed the door shut and locked it.

She threw herself at him, surging onto tiptoe and crushing her lips against his in a kiss that reached a fever pitch in seconds. He yanked her flush against his hard body and kissed her until she was breathless. Their tongues entwined. Need erupted.

He dragged his mouth away, panting.

She cupped his jaw. “You wanna?”

“Wanna what?” he asked.

“You know…Vegas.”

“Honey, it isn’t your dream.”

She dropped to the heels of her boots, brought down to earth and embarrassed she’d suggested it. “You’re right. I guess I got swept up for a minute.”

He pressed his lips between her brows, and she let her eyes slip shut on the sensation he roused with so much tenderness. “Thank you for tonight. For the song.”

She drew back to search his eyes. “You liked it?”

“Do you even need to ask? Yes, I liked it. And as soon as we’re back on that tour bus, I plan to get you underneath me and show you just how much.”

* * * * *