“We don’t want him distracting you. This is all part of the plan, Avalynn. I promise you that itwillwork out.” The conviction in Lark’s tone forced her to focus on what was about to take place.

The questioning began. Avalynn wasn’t surprised that none of them were about her new album or when it was planned to drop. And ohhh, the things these people were saying…

She was glad her momma wasn’t present to hear them or she’d have her claws out for her little girl. Whenever an embarrassing question was aimed her way, Heidi thwarted it with a tense smile and “Next question!”

“Avalynn, are you concerned about your fans boycotting your concerts?”

“Avalynn, when you made that tape, did you think about how your young fans would be watching?”

Her heart began to beat too hard and fast. Her palms were sweating.

By the time the Sentry team led her out of there, she felt almost desperate to be with Julius again. She needed to talk to him. There was so much to say.

As soon as they returned to her suite, Julius was there, hand on her spine, whisking her away to her bedroom and firmly shutting the door and locking them in.

She spun on him. “That was horrible!”

In one step, he brought his heat up against her body and cupped her face. “I know, honey.”

She trembled. “What happened to you?”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. I’m pissed the fuck off that my team made me leave that conference, though. I couldn’t stand up for you the way I wanted to.” The harsh fury in his voice sent shivers through her.

He pulled her into his arms, and she buried her face against his shoulder, taking gulps of his masculine scent she never realized was as familiar to her as the smell of honeysuckle growing off the front porch at her childhood home.

“Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this,” she said. “Maybe we shouldn’t…”

“Be doing what?”

“This engagement!”

He drew back enough to meet her stare. “I’m worried about what I’ll do to your career, Avalynn.”

She shook her head. “I thought I was so worried about my career, but I realized I have plenty. But now that the world knows we’re engaged, we can’t go back. Oh god, Julius! Reality is setting in. I just realized that the past couple days, I got caught up in this plan and a whirlwind romance. Even the desert…” She broke off, struggling.

“And I’m stealing all your firsts.” The tender caress in his voice undid her.

She buried her face against his shoulder again, drinking him in and shaking her head too. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of what I said. You can’t steal what I’m willingly giving, Julius.”

He slipped his knuckle under her chin and lifted her head to look into her eyes again. A riot of emotions played in his, each more complex and important than the last.

“I know you’ll protect me, Julius. Me and my heart,” she choked.

He issued an enormous sigh and cradled her against his shoulder again, resting his chin on top of her head. “Damn right I will, honey.”

“Was there any sign of my stalker at the press conference?” What should be her first fear seemed to take a back seat to her worries about her engagement.

“No sign of him that we could see. But we’re going to comb over the camera footage in the room just to make sure.” He brushed his lips over her forehead in that sweet way that made her curl her fingers into his shirt and hold on even tighter.

Of all the men she could think to ride this crazy train with, she would choose Julius.

It was hard not to get caught up in all the emotions when he was so perfect.

* * * * *

As soon as Julius stepped out of Avalynn’s bedroom, everyone stared at him.

He had to question how soundproof these doors were. He’d spent quite a bit of time studying hotels like this one, and the doors were never thick. A swift martial arts kick could probably break through the walls too.