He couldn’t expect her to remain with him—married to him. How would they ever make it work? Her honeymoon dreams of staying together and figuring out their place between worlds wasn’t realistic.

A heavy weight in his chest felt too much to carry the rest of the distance to the bus.

When he rapped on the door, the driver opened it.

Julius took one look at his face and knew something was off. “What happened?” he barked.


Julius leaped the steps and fisted the driver’s shirt. “Tell me what happened!”

His eyes rolled as Julius slid his hand upward to close around his neck. “Sh-she got off the bus! She said she was…meeting you!”

* * * * *

The SUV was moving. Avalynn wasn’t going to make that show.

She might not even make it out of this alive.

Oh god…Julius.

Did he know she was missing? He had to be going crazy. Out of his head.

Her brain was foggy, but not so far gone that she couldn’t recall exactly how dangerous Julius could be. She’d seen him in action.

She’d been so stupid, believing that text was from him. If they had his phone, did that mean something terrible had happened to him?

Panic swept through her. She didn’t proclaim to be the toughest woman on earth, but she would take any heat aimed at her rather than the knowledge that her man had been captured or…worse.

Her stomach knotted, and her breaths started coming in fast pants. The speed of the vehicle changed. It rolled to a slow stop.

Holding her breath, she waited for what came next. Whoever kidnapped her was going to pay. With his life. Once Julius found her, it would all be over.

How would he find her? Where was her phone, anyway? With her hands bound, she couldn’t feel around for it. But she’d been holding it when she approached the SUV. Her foggy mind couldn’t make out more than that.

She waited for what felt like an eternity before a man flipped on a light, letting her see his face.

Hot hatred burned in her chest. “Kyle!”

She hadn’t given the man a thought since they dated briefly three years before. He was a musician in her band when she was first starting out. Things between them heated up. But then he began to frighten her with how fast he tried to move things along toward a relationship that she wasn’t interested in.

Not to mention that she found out he was addicted to heroin.

She was tied up, lying on her side on the seat. He stopped the vehicle that was a total match for the one that the Sentry team used. Heart thundering, she listened to the door open and close. His feet crunched on the ground as he circled to the back door.

Cool outside air rushed over her face, reminding her of what happened back at Chez Nous.

He brought his face on level with hers. Disgust rolled through her.

“You kidnapped me!”

He sighed. “Kidnap is a nasty word. I brought you here to talk. I just want to talk, Avalynn.”

“I don’t want to talk to you! Let me go right this minute!”

He wagged his head in a sad manner. “I thought you might be reluctant. After all, you’ve had so many boyfriends since me. You had that celebrity.” He stuck up one finger. “The talk show host, but that only lasted a few weeks, right?”

She glared at him.