Standing room only meant they were shoulder to shoulder, but he was betting on the old adage of safety in numbers. With her back pinned to his chest, his hips cradling her ass and his arms around her middle, someone would have to take him out in order to get to her. And he was too quick on the draw for that to happen.

As the band took the stage, Avalynn bounced up and down on her toes. He groaned at the dark heat rolling through his groin. Her curvy ass grinding on his cock would be the most dangerous part of this rendezvous.

She screamed with the crowd. The first notes rolled out over the field, and she pumped her fist in the air with everyone else. She sang along. She shimmied.

He only had two regrets—one, that he couldn’t see the joy on her face, and second, that they had to cut their fun short so she didn’t miss her own show.

Placing his lips close to her ear, he said, “We have to go.”

She leaned into him, curling a hand around his jaw. Then he locked her to his side and blazed a path for them through the crowd.

Once they were far enough away from the screaming fans to speak, he pulled her to a stop. She twisted in his arms and tipped her face up to his.

“Okay, what number?” His voice was gritty but not from cheering.

“Third.” Her soft lips tilted into a dreamy smile. “Aside from the engagement and wedding nights, this is the third best night of my life.”

Her words knocked the wind out of him. God, he loved this woman like none other. He lifted his hands to cup her face, and just then Clay’s voice rang in his ear through his comms device.

“We got him! We have the stalker in custody.”

* * * * *

“Julius! Tell me what is going on!”

He rushed her faster than her much shorter legs could carry her, forcing her into a jog at his side. The solid arm around her tensed. She swore she could hear the tension humming through him and smell his adrenaline.

“There’s not much time. I need to get you to the bus.”

“But why? Julius, you’re scaring me.”

“Clay just put out the call to meet him.”

She sensed there was more that he wasn’t telling her. “Why?”

“There’s a matter to address.”

“One of the security issues?”

“Yes.” He bit off the word.

He propelled her around a food truck selling chicken on a stick. The smell of grease and meat made her stomach knot.

With a burst of speed that made her flat out run, Julius rushed into the maze of buses, vans and RVs parked in the field. Her own bus had been swapped out for a plain one, and she’d lost track of where it was parked. Luckily, Julius knew and led her straight to it.

He rapped on the door with his fist, and the driver who was contracted to always stay with the bus opened the door to admit them. Julius practically shoved her up the steps. The short ends of the blonde wig she wore flipped into her vision, and she tore the thing off her head.

“Julius! Talk to me.”

He took her by the shoulders. “There’s no time. Quaide is on his way to you. I’m just going to meet with the team and take care of this. Then I’ll be back for our new ritual.”

She searched his eyes. Their new ritual of making love before she went onstage was one she definitely wanted to practice after the fun he’d just given her.

“Julius.” She cradled his face. “Come back to me quick.”

“I will, baby.”

“Promise me.”