She would be inside resting. Maybe even warming up. Her performance started at eight after a couple smaller acts on the main stage. As soon as Lark returned with the disguises, he’d surprise Avalynn by taking her out.

He paced outside the bus, his nerves jumping. If Lark couldn’t find anything, if she couldn’t come through with his request…

He was becoming addicted to Avalynn’s smiles. Putting them on her face had quickly become his obsession. Giving her the best first and second nights of her life was a big act to beat, but he planned to try…for the rest of his life.

When his phone vibrated in his pocket, he yanked it out and stared at Lark’s message.

Hot damn, the woman did it!He almost whooped for joy that Lark had managed to deliver.

He responded with a request for her to meet him at the bus. Then he continued pacing, making mental plans to keep Avalynn safe, coming up with exit strategies in the event they were made.

When Lark arrived, he reached for the big grocery bag full of disguises, but she pulled it out of his reach. “Clay can knownothingabout this. Understand?”

“Got it. I take full responsibility for my actions.”

She held out the bag. When he reached for it again, she snagged it back. Her giggles continued when he yanked the bag from her hand and practically leaped through the bus door.

He gave the driver a cursory glance. “Secure the door.”

“Got it, boss man.”

The door slammed behind him. He looked around and moved to where Avalynn was sitting on one of the short leather benches. When she heard him coming, she looked up, brows pinching.

“Why do you look like you just robbed the ticket booth?”

His grin stretched. “Because I just hit the jackpot. And you’re about to benefit.” He set down the bag on the seat next to her.

She eyed it. “What is this?”

“Look inside.”

“Okaaay,” she drawled and removed the item on the top—a bright blue T-shirt with a band logo on it. “What the…”

“Keep looking.”

Next, she withdrew a long black skirt, followed by a pair of combat boots. And lastly…

“A wig!” She leaped off the bench, the short blonde wig dangling from one hand. “Julius, what did you do? Are we going out? Am I getting off this bus?”

He fished in the bag and came out with a baseball cap and a set of clothes nobody would ever expect to see on his body. “Yeah, honey. Get dressed. We don’t want to miss your favorite artist’s first song.”

She squealed and threw her arms around his neck.

Minutes later, he clutched her hand in his and hurried into the thickening crowd. Since he’d scoped out the venue, masses of people had flooded the field. He centered his hand on Avalynn’s spine and steered her around the groups.

“Where are we going?” She squeezed closer to him as several guys who’d already had more than their share of alcohol stumbled toward her.

He anchored her against his side. “As close to the stage as possible.”

“Is that a good idea?”

He shot her a look. “Now you sound like me.”

Her laugh sent a thrill of happiness through him. The best part was nobody was paying any attention to them. Dressed as they were, they were just two more people in an enormous crowd.

When the stage came in sight, Avalynn let out a disappointed noise. “We’re too late to get close.”

“You don’t have much faith in your new husband, do you?” He brushed his lips over her temple before towing her through the throng of people. The closer they got to the stage, the tighter the groups were, but he managed to wedge himself into a space and make room for Avalynn directly in front of him.